Sunday, January 2, 2011

Goodbye, 2010!

2010...pretty much the most eventful year of my life yet. I think that's how it must be for most people at this age in life... I definitely grew in areas I wasn't expecting, and I realize over and over again how blessed I really am.

Here's the highlights in chronological order:

-I made the decision to go to BYU, despite all the pressure and promises and money from NAU. It was a hard decision. I prayed and prayed and prayed and still felt nothing. Well, Heavenly Father gives us best friends for a lot of reasons, and my best friend told me to pray one more time. So I did, semi-reluctantly, and got the answer I needed. I decided to take a leap of faith and go with BYU. Thank heavens I did.
-This month, I also hosted 2 Australians. One of them is coming back to visit in a few weeks. Hopefully, my parents can bring her up to Utah.

February (one of the most hectic months of my life)
-I was blessed to be able to meet and sing for a lot of the deans of the school of music up here.
-Encore, the small mixed jazz group at MVT went up to Flagstaff for a festival. Super duper fun, and I got closer with a lot of talented people.
-I was part of the Regional choir for my 4th and final year.
-Against all Karli-ness, I participated in the Arizona Junior Miss Scholarship Program (or pageant...). The girliness, the pink, the frills, the bling, the dance routines....totally not me. But it was all stuff I'm at least competent at, and I needed money for college, so I did it. Besides meeting some amazing people and having more fun than I'd expected, I ended up being the 2nd runner up overall, and got some scholarship money. woot!

-14th = one of the best days of my entire existence. That morning, I found out I had not only made All-State again, but that I got 1st Chair!!! I was sorta in shock for awhile. Later that afternoon (in the midst of a lot of drama that was unknown to me at the time), one of my long-time friends asked me to Prom. It was unexpected, but nice. However, later that night, my best friend also asked me to Prom. To make the story short, he used all these pictures of us from when we were like 13. After hearing the full story of the day's drama, he'd technically asked first, so I got to tell him yes. Good day? Um....just a bit ;)
-At the end of that month, Chorale traveled to SanFrancisco to tour and record in Skywalker Sound Studios on George Lucas's private ranch. Yeah, we're cool. :) and it was such a fun fun trip.

-went to General Conference for the first time.
-Prom = also one of the best days of my life. The day activity was ridiculously awesome, and of course we won cuz that's how we roll. The actual night of the dance was...indescribable. I got ready with some friends, I got to wear my dream dress (thanks to Papa), and I got to spend the whole night with my best friend. Good memories.

-AP tests...not really a highlight, I guess.
-being in charge of legit Lion King Broadway makeup for 80+ people. I almost died. But I loved doing the makeup :)
-Graduation!!!!! I don't think that needs any explanation.

-cabin trip with some of my best friends. It was probably one of the best trips I've ever been on. Thank you, Dones!
-started online college classes and institute while a lot of my good friends went up to BYU early.
-turned 18!

-Family Reunions galore.
-babysitting some of my favorite kids while their parents were out of town for 5 days.
-Junior Staff at Girls Camp- oh, my fun. :)

- moved up to BYU much earlier than expected to get a job. 2 blissful and fun weeks, and then it was time for college and hardships.
-Through some miraculous meetings and such, I made it into BYU Singers, the top touring choir here. The last time a Soprano made it in as a Freshman was 7 years ago, and she's still here, being amazing. I love her dearly, as I do all the other sopranos. I've learned so much from them and will continue to hopefully over the years.

- became Ward Choir Director...boy, has that been a learning experience...
-started my 5th journal (200 pages later, I'm almost done)
-I started to find my a college student, as a Singer, as a roommate, as a friend...
-lots and lots of General Authority firesides and devotionals and such...
-went to the Provo temple for the first time

-got to go to General Conference again and see family!
-midterms...and papers...
-first time being really sick away from home. No fun.
-first "chastity" lesson I've ever been in where the bishop encouraged kissing and said nothing's wrong with making out...ummm.....
-attended the opera, La Boheme, in Salt Lake

-I got a call from one of my old friends in the middle of the night, telling me he'd decided to make some changes and get his life in order to go on a mission in a year. I love those phone calls! and I'm so excited for him. and so far, he's stuck by his goals.
-I made 8 dozen banana bread muffins. oh. my. delicious.
-I pulled way too many all-nighters. talk about unhealthy.
-Some of my wonderful friends were able to pull off a visit. It was a much needed break for me as well.
-My ward decided to have a musical sacrament meeting. It was one of the most memorable, spiritual meetings I've ever been in.
-The apartment complex got flooded, and I got to spend the weekend at my Bishop's house. Oh, and I got to meet Donny Osmond ;)
-I recorded and submitted a dvd for the vocal program. I should find out in the next couple days....

-my family came for my Christmas concerts!
-My apartment almost burned.
-Finals... ended the semester with 2 As, 2 A-s, and 2, it's enough for my scholarship.
-The ROTC dude got dramatic...oh well. He leaves on his mission in a couple weeks, and I'm not planning on writing him, even though I am his "truest friend" (yes that's a direct quote....after he yelled at me....over texting...whatever.)
-HOME!!!!! I loved it, even though I got really sick. It was wonderful.Saying goodbye to dear friends leaving on missions, seeing family, finding out I will be the oldest cousin to 3 more in June, July, and August (#41, 42, and 43....first cousins...on just my mom's it!), all of it.

And now I'm back in Provo. for more school. Is it bad that I just want the next few years to hurry up and get over with already? This past year was great. So many lessons. Wonderful friends. Amazing memories. Faith-trying experiences. Miraculous tender mercies. My goals for this new year? Be consistent in writing my missionary friends and be nice, especially to boys. Here, we go, 2011. You've got a lot to live up to, but you will.


  1. Karli... I love and miss you oh so much!!! I know that we've always been just a few years apart but I still can't believe you're at BYU already. It does make me feel old... ha! Next time you are down in AZ we will have a play date. Okay?

  2. So much of this made me smile. Thanks for being you. Good to see you this last week.
