Monday, February 21, 2011

Hobbies and Hives

About two weeks ago, a friend of mine asked if I could please make her a sign that said, "Life is Beautiful" to hang up in her room. She had the pink paper; I had free creative reign.

Honestly, I kinda impressed myself.... Too bad I forgot to take a picture.

But it sparked an idea.
I have a bunch of my favorite quotes on sticky notes on the wall above my desk. Pretty tacky. So on Saturday, I pulled out my acrylic and watercolor paints, my favorite calligraphy pen, and some thick paint paper and went to work.

my "studio"

I used watercolors for any of the background stuff
so it wouldn't detract from the quote.

"Music describes that which cannot be put into words,
 but cannot remain Silent." ~Victor Hugo
my "collection"....that's not even half of it....

"The future is as bright as your faith." ~Thomas S. Monson

                     Ta-Da! I've even taken time to hang pictures up, in the kitchen too. Go me.
Not too shabby, eh? I guess I've just gotten into one of my artsy vibes this week. That and cleaning. I like when things smell good and look pretty....well, as much as it can in a college freshman dorm that is...

Moving on to our next H-word of the day. Hives. I hate hives. I got them when I was little and would have to take oatmeal baths. Nasty. I've spent time in the emergency room with huge itchy spots the size of dinner plates all over me. I got sent home from school in second grade with big puffy red eyes, so swollen and itchy I couldn't even see out of them.
I'm allergic to pollen, pretty much all grass (no rolling down hills for me unless I'm willing to pay big time for it), mulberry trees, cats, and apparently....


My shoulder last night...yuck.
Yup, water. I can drink it; just not have it on my skin...? Not sure why. But for the past 4 or 5 years or so, I've gotten hives every single time I take a shower, get out of the pool, or sweat. Don't worry, that doesn't mean I've given up on showering. I figure it's important enough to suffer. But honestly, does anyone else go through this and is just too embarrassed to say anything? Cuz I for sure hate it and want some answers. I've tried switching shampoo, conditioner, soap, shower cleaner, hard v. soft water, water temperature...It happens without fail no matter what. It's one of the reasons I try avoid showering in the mornings because itchy, red splotches all over my face, neck, chest, shoulders, stomach, and back are just no fun to go into public with.
Maybe I could be on that one medical mystery show where they figure out what's wrong with you when no one else can. Between my hives and my joint problems (apparently the MRIs show nothing's wrong), I should be able to keep them busy.

Happy President's Day!


  1. Ummm you are awesome, I want one of those signs and/or the talent to make them

  2. Fabulous signs. Wish I had the talent and the patience for that.
    As for the hives, do we call you Elphaba now?

  3. when you come down again... I am just going to take you shopping for a bunch of paper and watch you and your creative spirit :) and then keep half the stuff and sell the rest of it on ebay for millions

  4. I read this one too. Good job with the pictures :)
    And, I didn't even think it was possible to be allergic to water! But ... That stinks. (Not literally. Or does it?) You have my sympathy.
