Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Holy cow...yes, it really has been 3 whole weeks since I've posted. Just know that I am in the midst of a whole slew of projects, all of which are finally winding down since I am to return to Provo this Sunday.

To give you an idea, projects/activities have included painting a 6'x20' mural, de-wallpapering my bathroom and bedroom, raising a baby bird that a younger brother found when it fell out of our tree, another younger brother's Eagle Project, saying goodbye to 5 more missionary friends, taking an online MCC class, reading and reading and reading, de-junking my bedroom, having a voice recital, and to top it all off, my computer is dying a horrific death. I was waiting to post until it decided to work again, but it's not, and all my pictures are on it. Therefore, I have to use the family computer until my brand-spankin' new, top-o'-the-line lap-top is delivered (hopefully tomorrow?!), and then I can get everything transferred over and post on each of my projects complete with pictures. I know you're so excited. :)

I'm busy and happy. I'm so excited to return to BYU and be in charge of my own schedule again. It'll be fun. But I sure am gonna miss singing and rocking babes to sleep and eating otter pops and feeling my skin bake in the blistering sun. I love being home. I'm in the weird transition phase, I guess. At this point, I've lived out of my family's house longer than I ever lived in it since we moved 7 months before I moved away. It's been fun, but I'll be glad to get back.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely blog <3

