Thursday, September 8, 2011

Guess who just spent a lot of time re-doing her blog instead of homework?

I was gonna say my friend Markie ...

        ...but I guess I did too.

However, I did take a break in the middle for a German quiz that was due at midnight.

And I've been sitting on this couch for 5 1/2 hours. Literally haven't gotten up. Forgot to eat dinner. Watched a movie. No potty breaks... I should do that soon. And lots of time wasted.

Why yes, I am a college student. How can you tell?


  1. It was worth it. The blog looks marvelous.

  2. Looks great. I like how all the pictures in your posts are blocked with text. I need to figure that one out.

  3. I like it! :) And I really like all the pictures on the side. Sadly, there isn't enough pink... ;) and by the way, that link doesn't go to my blog. It goes somewhere very strange..

  4. So beautiful! You and your blog. :)

  5. Your blog is beautiful!!! I absolutely love that the picture I took of you and Tucker is featured on your blog! hehe :) Oh also I absolutely love you!! I can't wait to see you again sometime soon, hopefully! :)
