Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Sometimes, I crack myself up.

I've come to the conclusion that I might just be one of those obnoxious adults who never stops dressing up. I have WAY too much fun dressing up. Give me a good excuse, and I will.

Luckily, Halloween was NOT boring this year, and I had an awesome costume.

Remember how I spent way too much on that black dress for the last Harry Potter movie? Well, naturally, I had to resurrect it! I had to have my money's worth, duh! 

So I was Bellatrix Lestrange. Again. 

And the hair was bigger and better than ever, lemme tell ya. It's amazing what a quality crimper can do.

Girl party in the bathroom. Lots of heat and hairspray. We may have gotten a little loopy.
The Roomies: Maddy (an African snow-leopard spirit witch doctor thing) and Chelsea (Hermione as a cat). They let me paint their faces. :)

Obviously, we had the coolest trunk for our Trunk-or-Treat. 


Bellatrix and leopard thing...
Roomies with Mario Kart Toad

Channeling Bellatrix.
Meeting up with my sister, Narcissa Malfoy, at the Singers Halloween party.
The Dark Mark. Crayola marker, baby. Also, please notice the nails. I was pretty proud.
And the glam shot. Hecka yeah.
*Also, if anyone noticed I was wearing the Pirates of the Caribbean medallion, you get bonus points. And if any of you noticed I was wearing the Cullen Crest ring, then you're just a creeper. Mixing movies. That's how I roll.

And just because I can't not post this picture.
How cute are they?! This is Devin and Rachel Anderton, members of Singers, aka Eugene and Rapunzel. Her mom MADE those costumes! And they are high-quality-have-little-girls (and Karli)-stand-in-line-to-take-pictures-with-you-at-Disneyland quality. So jealous. I might just have to force my husband to dress up with me someday. I can just chop my hair off and be the brunette Rapunzel and the end of the movie, right?
Mostly, I just thought they were adorable.
Hope you all had a fun Halloween too! Luckily, we didn't get too much candy, so the whole sugar-high-no-sleep thing won't be a problem...well more than is usual at least.

Happy November!


  1. That tattoo--eww.
    And I wouldn't have known that was Maddy if you hadn't told me. The makeup world lost a great artist when you came out singing!

  2. Love it all :) Good thing you actually used that paint, cause the boys were pretty bugged that it wasn't here for them to use. Tressie likes your costume and hair ;)

  3. Wow, you are absolutely frightening. And I mean that in the best possible way! :)
