Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Once upon a time, Markie got the itch to go to Lagoon. It was her summer dream, and she wanted nothing more than to run around in the sun all day riding roller-coasters. June 25th was the designated day, and her heart was set. Except then, some boy drama occurred that made June 25th a less than ideal idea, so we rescheduled, and the new date became Saturday, July 21st.

We spent the evening before hunting for discounts but came up with nothing for the day we wanted to go, but Markie was not to be deterred.

Saturday morning, we all slept in a bit longer than planned and took our sweet time getting ready. And then we had to stop at Target so Markie could buy some new sunglasses. And then we had to stop at Subway for Markie, Maddy, and Shybree to get lunch (I packed my bag with apples, fruit-snacks, water, craisins, and animal crackers to sustain me throughout the day). Finally, we escaped Provo/Orem right around 11.

We got to Lagoon, and the sun was high in the sky. Shybree got lucky when some guy offered to sell her his day pass for $20 cash. Unfortunately, I'd just used my cash to pay for parking. I was able to use my military I.D. for a discount, but I still had to pay 40 bucks. Geez! They should offer student discounts....just sayin'. 

Anyway, we started out with the bumpity, ricketty, old wooden roller-coaster before heading off to the fun stuff. I hadn't been on a roller-coaster since California Screamin' about 4 years ago, so I wasn't sure what my reaction would be. Well, good news. I've totally got the stomach for the big stuff. Unfortunately, Maddy does not, so on some rides, she played "Mom" and held the bags while we went on the rides. I felt bad.

So excited!!!

The Samurai. Probably my favorite ride. So Awesome.

Sweaty on top of the Ferris Wheel

Shybree and Markie
They drool on rides. It's hilarious. Must run in the family. Don't tell them I told you! ;)

Before the River Rapids

After the River Rapids...cold and soaking wet

We called it a day once it started to get dark. We. Were. Exhausted. But all in all, it was a successful day. I discovered I love roller-coasters. And Markie got her Lagoon fix.  I got a sweet tan, and my back is a mass of knots. But now, I just wanna go to Disneyland. SO BAD!!! It's been too long.

Not sure why the last paragraph turns white....any ideas? It does that every now and then and drives me crazy.


  1. Oh Sister, you just wait until you are toating a troop of kiddos around a place like that! Talk about exhaustion! Glad you had fun!!

  2. my favorite ride is the skycoaster... it cost extra money but it's totally worth it. I was just there at the beginning of july. I had to drive three hours there and back. :)) Glad you had lots of fun!!
