Sunday, July 8, 2012

Birthday Lovin' All Week Long

Something about summer just makes it easy to neglect the blog.
Time for a little bit of recap.
Basically, the birthday love has just continued for 10 straight days.
It's been pretty great, not gonna lie. 
The birthday itself was a good day. I woke up early and Skyped the fam while I opened presents before school (junk food, maxi dress, parchment paper, and an iPHONE 4S!!!! (: ). 

For dinner, the girls (Maddy, Markie, Lauren, and Crystal) took me out to Carrabba's, my favorite Italian restaurant, and then we went home and ate Lauren's a-MAZ-ing Oreo cupcakes with my a-MAZ-ing Oreo frosting. Good stuff.

Of course, we were missing Olivia. We pretended she was there. :)

You can find the recipes on my Pinterest. There's a full Oreo in the bottom of these babies.

Friday, I got a package in the mail from my super awesome cousin, Nikki, full of books and a random assortment of fun stuff, such as sticky-snakes, silly-putty, crayons, and sparklers. 
Told you she's awesome. :)

Saturday, I got a card from Papa in the mail, probably written by Grandma Norma (his sort-of girlfriend cuz we don't know what else to call her....ewe). Then my Aunt Louisa and Uncle Matt came back into town with their 7 kids, so I got to spend a fun day with them.

Adorable Baby Z after she got caught eating a $3 piece of fudge all by herself. :)

Monday, I got my favorite thing ever in the mail. 2 envelopes, one from Troy and Tressie, and one from my cousins, full of all manner of craftiness. Every color of paper, cut and drawn/scribbled on, taped together, folded, glittered, written on, etc. It's pretty much the best thing ever. Love it. Love my cousins and little siblings.

Tuesday, I watched Star Wars III...and cried. And then watched Anna and the King and sobbed harder than I have in 14 months. What the heck was wrong with me? No idea.
The Fourth of July was a pretty great day. I spent the afternoon up at Thanksgiving Point with my cousins. We sat in the shade while the kids played in the water. It was such a hot day though, that I finally just ran into the water with the kids and started a big splashing war and got my clothes all soaking wet. Totally worth it though. :)

That night, as a birthday present, I got to go with my aunt, uncle, and cousins to Stadium of Fire. The first and last time I went, I was 6 DAYS old, and the Beach Boys performed. Twenty years later, who came to perform but the Beach Boys again!!!! in the 70s.... :) We were a bit skeptical about whether or not they could really pull off the sound from half a century ago, when they were in their prime, but we were pleasantly surprised. It. Was. Awesome. :) They sounded great, granted they did change a couple notes to accommodate their age, and the packed stadium was SO thrilled. By the end, everyone was up dancing and singing along to all the oldies. It was exhilarating. Some times, I think I would have LOVED to live back in the era of Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, Bobby Darin, Elvis, and the Beach Boys, etc. That kind of music just gets me excited. Plus, people just knew how to perform back then. Anyway, it was a great night, and I'm glad I got to go and pay tribute to the first band I ever heard. Thanks, Matt and Lou! :)


Thursday, the birthday love continued with another card from Uncle Kimball, Aunt Jen, and their family. Love them. Plus, it rained all. day. long. :) In case you didn't know, Utah's been pretty ravaged by fires this summer due to the insufficient snow fall during the winter. We had like 8 just in the valley around here. Some days, the whole sky was brown and ash covered the cars. It was gross. So the rain was a God-send. I got SOAKED like 4 times walking/riding the bike to and from school. And it was GLORIOUS. Nothing like a good, invigorating rain storm to wake up your soul.


Friday, I got a super awesome, hilarious birthday package from New York. That guy thinks he's so funny. Notice, he added to my BoM collection with one in Portuguese and one in Malaysian and told me to learn those, too, in addition to the Spanish, Italian, and German. Whatever, dude.


Saturday, I got a super wonderful, surprise letter, and spent most of the day with my guy friends from Singers. We went to the Nickelcade and got dinner at Red Robin and played games until late. It's always fun seeing those people again. I miss Singers during the summer.

Ka'imi, Brendan, and me at Bed, Bath, and Beyond wrapping a present for Brendan's friend's wedding 

Ka'imi with the dino he won at the Nickelcade. His name is Prometheus 

Nick, Brendan, Ka'imi, and I at Red Robin. We're so cool.

And today, Maddy got back, so I'm not longer a loner...again...but I think I'm still going to go play games with Singers tonight.

Ok. You can breathe now. I've survived the transition to 20. And life is good. Really, really good.

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