Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Puddle Jumping and Tender Mercies

For some reason, my pictures are not uploading the edited version. So enjoy them in all their uncropped and untouched glory.

You know those moments that aren't planned but while you're in the middle of it, you know you'll never ever forget it?

Monday night was one of those for me.

Annie took a 3 1/2 hour nap, which meant I was able to wash and fold 2 loads of laundry as well as clean and vacuum our bedroom and our living room. And I even had time to make a batch of snickerdoodles! In the meantime, a huge late-summer storm rolled in, filling the afternoon with thunder and the smell of rain.

As Annie woke up, the storm reached its climax, and I gathered a big flannel blanket so we could sit on the porch and watch the rain. Unfortunately, the wind was blowing the storm straight under the eave - we got wet just from opening the door! - so we stayed inside until it calmed down.

But as soon as it slowed to a light patter, I put Annie's shoes and socks on, and we went outside to wait for Tucker to come home. Annie adventured around the cul-de-sac, finding leaves and sticks in the gutters and squishing mud between her fingers. We slowly made our way down the sidewalk to the stadium, and just as we made it to the bottom of the hill, I saw Tucker making his way home.

Annie took off as soon as she saw Tucker to show him the leaf she was holding. Except more than half the sidewalk was under water - I guess that's what happens at the base of the hill after a rain storm - and it didn't take long before she noticed the giant puddle. She was a little timid at first, but as soon as I rolled up my pants and waded in, she came splashing in after me.

I have never see this girl so happy.

I expected a few minutes of splashing and then for her to be cold and done. But no.

That girl plopped right down in her diaper and would. not. come. out.

Her favorite thing was finding all the little acorns and blades of grass and sticks and taking all of them back to Tucker to hold. When we realized this was turning into more than a quick puddle jump, he found a dry place for his backpack and shoes and came to join us.

Tucker and I just stood and laughed at our silly, smiley, energetic little girl. Seriously, we have no idea where this huge, cheesy, toothy grin came from, but she kept doing it over and over, and we busted up laughing every time.

It was the perfect beginning to a stressful week and did so much for just lifting and replenishing my soul. I felt so happy, it was like bubbles of happiness were overflowing.

Who'd'a thunk a faulty sidewalk and some rain could bring so much joy?

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  1. Nothing brings more joy to a parents' heart than the joy of their child! What a great time for all of you!

  2. This sounds like a perfect day to me.

  3. That is the cutest little grin I have ever seen!!!

  4. Get this girl to AZ where she can do this all summer!
