Monday, March 21, 2016

Happy Holy Week

Isn't she just the cutest little blonde-haired, blue-eyed Jewish kid you ever did see?

Why Jewish?

Because for the last 3 weeks, Annie and I have been participating in the Mesa Easter Pageant: Jesus the Christ [link], an hour-long depiction of Christ's life taken straight from the New Testament. 2 all-day Saturday rehearsals, a week of late-night rehearsals, and now 2 weeks of performances. We've just finished the first week, and now we're heading into the last week! 

I always wanted to be in the Easter Pageant. I went every single year growing up, sometimes more than once, arriving hours early to save front-row seats and grabbing dinner at Pete's Fish & Chips a block away. I remember being completely bewildered when, at the age of 5 or 6, I found tears on my face during the scene of Jesus and the children and wondering if it really was the real Jesus as He ascends to the Father in the finale. As I got older, I found different parts of the pageant related to me, but the opportunity to participate never presented itself. And eventually, I moved away and haven't seen the pageant since.

However, my in-laws have participated in the pageant several times, and when they offered to include us this year, I had to contain my excitement. Unfortunately, Tucker can't join us, due to his early work schedule and finishing online classes, but you can find Annie and I down at the Mesa Temple grounds every night.

I've been so pleasantly surprised by how well she's handled it. With a late nap, she has no problem being cute as can be until the end of the pageant. She loves being onstage and seeing Jesus. During the healing scene, she eagerly points and calls "Jesus! Jesus!" and she watches for the moment He picks up a baby from the multitude - "Mom! Mom! Jesus baby!" She shouts "Honannah!" during the Triumphal Entry with all the rest of us, and sings "Al-le" during the finale when the angels sing "Allelujah." She knows we have to put the pacy away and put her "hat" on to go on stage. And she dances her heart out backstage during Mary's lullaby and the 10 Virgins parable, and any time she hears a lamb bleeting, she immediately responds with a "Baaaa!" of her own.

And me? Well, I'm learning my own, personal lessons that might get their own post when the week is done.

Until then, I invite all of you to come and bring your family to the Easter Pageant. It is, by far, my favorite Easter tradition, and I love that it is an easy way for Christians from all denominations and ages to gather and bring a little more Christ into their lives. And let me know when you come so I can come find you in the audience before we start! 

Happy Holy Week, 
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