Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Do you know what today is???

2 weeks from today, I will leave to go on tour through Colorado and Wyoming with 40 of the  most talented people I know. We'll be gone for almost 2 weeks, staying in a different city with a different host family each night. It'll be an amazing experience, but also extremely exhausting. 30+ hours of bus rides. I don't care who you're with, 30+ hours of bus rides is enough to drive anyone crazy. Even though we all love each other, Dr. Staheli wisely suggested we each bring a couple (or more) good books to prevent us from getting on each others' nerves.

I have quite a lengthy book list of need-to-reads....somewhere. So I'm asking for suggestions. Lay 'em on me! I need me some good books!

I will have a room in my house like this someday. Well, maybe not quite like this, but shelves and shelves of books....yes :)
Life is ohsofabulous. :)


  1. Mortal Instruments series. Time will fly! :)

  2. Peace Like A River by Leif Enger. Even though the characters and author aren't LDS, it's one of the most spiritual books I've ever read. ... just endure through the first half ...

  3. Hey, if you are in Basin stop by. There will be chocolate-chip cookies :) and I love All Rivers Run to the Sea, it's beautiful.
