Sunday, May 1, 2011

Cavorting in Colorado

Longest week of my LIFE! I can't believe we've only been on tour for 6 days. 8 more to go...

A typical day consists of waking up around 7, load the bus around 8, on the road within half an hour, drive for who knows how long, eat a sack lunch, arrive at a high school, do a work shop with the kids (sing for each other and talk about rehearsal technique, future goals, improvements, accomplishments, etc.), eat dinner (usually provided by the host school), warm up, go over tomorrow's schedule, have devotional and prayer, give a concert (usually the host choir opens, and then we sing 13ish peices), meet our host families, go home with them, try our best to get in bed at a decent hour, SLEEP. And the next morning it starts all over again.

Luckily, we have had a few hours of downtime that have allowed us some fun activities to break the monotony.

Thursday morning, we had time to spend at the Denver temple. Look at that BLUE sky!

Beautiful spring flowers

Those of us who are unendowed did baptisms, so we finished A LOT earlier than every one else
me, heidi, maggie, michelle, rachel

Before getting back on the bus, we sat and ate lunch on the grass across the street. The weather was GORGEOUS so some people got a game of Ultimate Frisbee going, and a few people ended up with sunburns. Really missing that weather right now (it snowed today!)!
Yesterday, our high school work shop got cancelled (because of Prom :) ) so we got to drive through Garden of the Gods. Lots of jutting red rock, and that's about it. We also got to tour the chapel at the Air Force Academy. Very cool. but I'd forgotten my camera. Lame.
All in all, it's been a very tiring, but fulfilling trip. This evening, we gave a fireside for the youth in the Colorado Springs area, and tomorrow (the one and only day we don't have a concert), we'll do FHE with the young single adults of Alamosa. Should be fun.

Not sure if/when I'll get to update again. For better pictures and records, check out the BYU Singers Tour Blog on the right.


  1. Dearest Karli,
    I'd like to thank you for this playlist. I was having a pretty good day already, but listening to your playlist reminded me just how beautiful and wonderful life is. :)
    Love you!

  2. Colorado looks so fun. I miss visiting now that my daughter has moved to Texas. Our son Cody was married in that temple exactly 3 years ago. It is beautiful.
