Saturday, July 30, 2011


Has it ever happened to you where you're on one friend's blog and you click link to someone else's and so on until suddenly you're reading these stories of amazingly strong families who have children battling heart disease or cancer, and the next thing you know, you've got tears streaming down your face, and your vision is so cloudy you can hardly read the computer screen?

Yeah. Just happened to me.

How in the world do they do it? Lots of prayers and faith and heaven-sent angels I suppose. And time. Little smiling, earthly angels who should be sitting in a crib, not a hospital bed. 4 year olds wearing flowery headbands over their bald heads like an infant. Little sisters having to say goodbye to their big brother who should have been in Louisiana on a mission, but instead got his mission call to serve on the other side of the veil.

And here I sit worrying about what direction my life is going.

Just know that I really do love my life. In church a few weeks ago, we had a lesson on enduring trials, and one of the quotes was, "My trials are hard for me, and they hurt." Amen. We are all called to bear different burdens, and just because one person can handle something better than someone else, it doesn't mean one is weaker or stronger than the other. The things we go through are hard for us individually. I am so thankful for those people in my life who help me through them, and I'm glad that I have not been called to go through the same trials as those children and their families. I hope I'll never have to, but if I do, I pray I could have the same strength that they have. What amazing people.

Life is wonderful. Confusing and frustrating at times, but oh so wonderful. 

1 comment:

  1. :) Yes, it is wonderful... even when it is sometimes hard. Love you :)
