Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Staying Afloat

So that test I was studying for? 96% baby!!! Heckayeah!

Since then, life has been crazy busy. I feel like if I just had one day to do nothing, then I could catch up on everything: homework, laundry, cleaning, switching out my summer wardrobe for my winter one, cook real food, go grocery shopping. It all needs to be done, but I just haven't had any time! 2 weekends ago, I had choir concerts and this past weekend, I was in Salt Lake with my grandparents, aunt, uncle, and cousin, so I haven't even had that time to get anything done. Seriously, in 2 weeks, I've missed my first 2 classes 3 times in order to write papers and get caught up on homework. You know it's bad when not going to class will actually enable you to get caught up. I don't even have a social life. I just have no time!

And I've been neglecting most of my missionary friends. I feel so bad! One of these days, I'm just going to sit down and write a whole stack of letters. I'm such a bad friend. Hopefully, they'll forgive me.

In other news, I get to go home this weekend!!!!!! One of my dearest friends is getting married (what?!?!?!?!?!), and so my roommate and I are driving down to be there. I'm so excited!!! Maybe I can do my letter-writing during the 10-hour drive.

Update on the goals? I'm doing better, minus the going to bed at a decent hour, but of course there's always room for growth. And I've been doing pretty well remembering to do uplifting things that prevent me from getting stressed. For instance, last night, I drafted and drew a portrait for the first time in who knows how long. And it turned out awesome! I think I'm going to start drawing a lot again. Good idea.

Other than that, the weather is cooling down (it's still warm, but it's supposed to jump into the 40s by the end of the week. Good thing I'll be in AZ!!!), midterms are coming up, November is getting closer, and Christmas is in less than 100 days!!!! 

Life is good. :)

1 comment:

  1. I hope you have fun in Arizona. Having a goal of going to bed early will probably be pretty much unattainable throughout your life, for a variety of reasons :)
