Thursday, December 8, 2011


Boys are great. Annoying at times, but a lot easier for me to get along with than girls. Boys take care of you. They don't ask too many questions. They're just good friends to have around.

Meet my FHE brothers. 

#1: Mike is great. He hasn't been able to come to our activities for awhile, and I hadn't yet had the chance to get to know him.

Until last week.

Mike not only came for FHE, but he stayed afterwards. He claims to know too much about everything, and in the 5 or so hours he was here, I can see why he thinks that. From origins of words to computer programming to opening locked doors with a credit card. Yup, he's one of those guys.

Anyway. I've been kinda freaking out the past couple days. Auditions for the music program are here again, and I was scrambling to get everything put together. You see, I had a prescreening DVD ready for one program, but apparently, I also needed a CD. And I'm not smart enough to know how to rip audio from a DVD without damaging the original recording. But guess what. Mike is! He sat at my computer for hours playing around with different programs. I had software installed that should have been able to convert the audio track, but Mike soon figured out that the original disc was corrupted. BUT! He just HAPPENED to have the 2010 version of the software. So he went and broke into his own apartment and returned with a thumb drive. 15 minutes after midnight (I should have kicked him out of the apartment for breaking the Honor Code), Mike finished up, and I had a CD all ready to mail the next morning to meet the deadline.

2 days later, he texted to say he had the 2011 version of the software if I wanted it. How cool is he?!

#2: Matt, Steve, and Adam. 3 incredibly awesome, goofy guys.

Last Saturday night, I got home from a choir concert late. Maddy stayed for a party that I didn't feel like going to, so I got a ride home with someone else. While leaving to go to the choir concert earlier, I'd consciously not grabbed my keys, knowing Maddy had hers. And our other roommate, Chelsea, was at the ward Christmas party. PROBLEM. I was locked out. I actually arrived home just as the people were getting home from the ward Christmas party, so I figured I'd just wait. I knocked on the door, peeked through the windows (all the lights were off), and texted Chelsea (no answer). After a few minutes, Matt and Steve walked by. They saw me standing in the doorway and invited me up to their apartment to wait. 

I spent the next 2 hours drinking rootbeer, watching football, and laughing til my sides hurt. I was so surprised at how easy it was. At how wonderful it felt to not be spending the evening with girls (don't get me wrong, I LOVE my roommates. I just need boys sometimes). It reminded me of my three boys, Eric, Ryan, and Mitch from last year. We were best buds to the point where we could walking into each other's apartments without knocking and dig through each other's refrigerator without asking. Aren't those the best kinds of friends? They were like brothers to me. Taking care of me. Never asking too many questions. Bringing me a carton of ice cream to eat just for fun. I miss those guys. Eric and Mitch are both serving in Mexico, and Ryan is in Virginia. All my boys are gone.

But even if I'm not as close with the new guys this year, I'm thankful for boys in general who are willing to be good friends and just be plain nice. So yay for boys. I like them.

Post Script: If you were wondering how the story of being locked out ended, I sat myself by the window in the boys' apartment so I had a clear view of my apartment just in case one of my roommates came home. I kept watch. All the lights stayed off. No one walked past. No one texted me back. Finally, at 12:20 (I should have been gone, but the boys said they were not Pharisees and understood the spirit of the law, not just the letter of the law, so I was welcome to stay until my roommates returned), Maddy texted me back. She said she was home. And had been for 30 minutes! And so was Chelsea. What the heck. All the lights were still off, door still locked. Weird. But mostly, I'm just glad I had the chance to get to know my "brothers" and have a fun guys night.


  1. Aw man, I need some of those in my life. Guy nights are the best. I know exactly what you mean.
