Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

My very favorite holiday is finally here!!!

Merry Christmas, everyone! I hope Santa has treated you well and that you've been able to spend the day with those you love.

This morning started earlier than it has the past few years. We've been lucky to sleep in til 7, but this morning, the kids were ready with excitement and bouncing on my bed to wake me up before 6:30. We all lined up on the stairs and waited for Dad to light a fire and get the camera set up. On his cue, we filed into the living room to see what Santa brought. And thus ensued the digging and shrieking and general chaos of Christmas. The loot was the regular-  clothes, books, movies, games, music, toy cars, Disney Princess dress-ups and dolls for Tressie, tools for Dad, and, of course, weapons (sectioned bow-staff, bow and arrows, blow-dart gun, and lots of Nerf stuff). Also, a little bird told me a package from New York may be coming this week, so yay for prolonged Christmas joy! Also, Santa brought me real parchment, envelopes, a wax seal, and 100 stamps that will be put to good use. :) I think I may have been the most surprised though (which is saying something since I haven't really been surprised in years...), by this...

Yup. I'm 19 years old, and I got the entire Disney Princess barbie collection for Christmas, plus their princes, so 18 to be exact. In a wave of nostalgia, Santa decided to get me what I wanted when I was little. Surprised? Me too. I have to admit, they are pretty. I just don't know what to do with them besides look at them. Maybe I'll save them for my girls, and I'll never ever have to buy a Barbie. Who knows? Makes me laugh every time I think about it.

After about a half hour of exploring, we had to get ready for church- a special, hour-long music service today, and when we came back, we got to open the presents we got each other. Now, the front room looks like this....

Christmas exploded everywhere. And now it's nap time before dinner with all the cousins at 5 at the Compound where we will thank our Heavenly Father for the gift of his Son and His sacrifice for our sins. 

Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. Karli,
    I have been collecting the Princess Barbies, I have 7, no Princes yet. I have
    Snow White
    I am missing someone can you send me a list of all the ones you have including Princes so I don't miss any as I keep collecting them.

