Sunday, April 22, 2012

Bon Voyage

poster for tonight's concert

Welp, I'm all packed and ready. All that's left to stick in are my iPod, journal, PJs, and toothbrush, and those will go in tomorrow morning. 

We meet at 1:30 after church, drive to SLC Airport, get to Minneapolis around 7, make our connecting flight, and sleep for the rest of the 16 hours to Heathrow Airport, arriving at noon on Monday. 

I'm excited for this adventure. :) Will it be exhausting? Absolutely. But more rewarding than I can imagine? Yep.

I need England. It'll be refreshing and grounding. I'm excited to see things and meet people and sing in the capital of choral music. We'll see if I end up "taking the mick" (pick up the accent- learned that from dear Friend Jono, fresh from serving a mission in Britain). I'll try not to, because they'll look at me funny, but I have a REALLY hard time not picking  up accents. It takes lots of concentration to stay American. Last time I was in Europe, almost 3 years ago, I remember having this feeling like I'd been living on the wrong continent my entire life.

Hopefully, I'll get a chance to blog while I'm there, but there will be a tour blog (link in the list on the left) updated daily, and I'll try to at least upload all my pictures to Dropbox if any of you, my dear readers, want to peruse them at your leisure. Just make sure I have your email.

So that's that. No phone. Hopefully email. Terrible weather (seriously, supposed to be the coldest, wettest May England has seen in 60+ years...). 45 of my favorite people. And lots of memories to be made. Oh, and chocolate too. ;)

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