Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Spring Showers

Alright, yes, I'm in the middle of finals, hence the lack of posting. So this'll be quick.

Remember that little blossoming twig I posted a picture of a few weeks ago? 
Well, this is it now.

I love spring-time in Utah. Everything's all pretty, and blossoming, and my allergies don't go crazy like they do in Arizona, and it rains. :)

Purple trees. :)
And these papery trees are kinda cool, too.

Plus, "missionary-guy" gave me the responsibility to play in the rain enough for the two of us, which I probably do anyway, but now, it's obligatory. 

That's a really, really disappointing puddle.

Happy Spring, everybody! Good luck on finishing up finals!

England in 5 days....Ahhhh!

P.S. Yes, I auditioned to be a Disney Princess. Yes, I made it past all the poise, smile, presence, skin tone, eye shape, jaw line, voice pitch, height cuts. No, I am not being hired because they said that if we're already in college, we need to finish before applying. Boo. Woulda been nice to know that beforehand. Don't they know that now is the most convenient time for me to sign a 1-year commitment with them?! Oh well. It was fun. And now I can say I did it. :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you auditioned! Also, thank you thank you for the super nice comments about the missionary. It makes things a lot easier hearing those nice things from some like you! You're the best! Enjoy England!
