Monday, June 18, 2012

Something Worth Blogging About: The Heavy Duty Stuff (in which we visit Karli's obsession with chocolate once again)

I've been slacking. Sorry. I just haven't been able to work up enough motivation to blog about my awesome trip to St. George (or anything else for that matter) yet. Maybe sometime. But this, THIS needs to be shared.

Remember when I got all depressed and ate obscene amounts of chocolate?  Well, during that week, I mentioned eating a certain Belgian waffle with chocolate baked into it. And this week, I had the opportunity to eat another one.
Yup. Don't judge.

This is how it went down. Roommate Maddy was planning a morning trip up to Farmington to visit her cousin who just had her wisdom teeth removed, and I had a friend who needed a ride up to SLC Airport. So we made a big trip of it, and after dropping the boys off, Maddy, pretend roommate Markie, and I headed into downtown Salt Lake for breakfast. We pulled up to the small Belgian waffle shack right outside Tony Caputo's Italian market and noticed the tiny place was a lot busier than last time. I guess word is getting out. Bruges Waffles & Frites is pretty much amazing. Pierre Vandamme, the owner, is the nicest man who truly takes pride in what he does. And it definitely shows in the food. 

We ordered our waffles, swooned at the deliciousness, and people-watched the huge crowd across the street at the farmers market going on at Pioneer Park. 'Twas a lovely morning.

I know you want to see this.
Torpedo waffle with raspberries and crème fraîche..notice the chocolate baked in the middle. :)

Something I didn't remember from last time, though, was the slightly nauseous feeling and dizzying exhaustion that I experienced this time around. I mean, it was DELICIOUS, but definitely a little much for a n early-morning breakfast. So probably just go with the normal waffles or frites for a regular day, and save the torpedo waffle for those times when you're either combating depression, PMSing like a fiery dragon, celebrating the end of midterms/finals, dealing with any other extreme circumstances, and especially if you're going through all of the above at once. It will instantly make your day better. But it's most certainly not for casual dining or light brunching. This is the heavy-duty stuff.
You're welcome. :)

1 comment:

  1. The beauty of reading this from granny's iPad is that I can really zoom up on the beautiful waffle... Delish!
