Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Here we are in Week #26......

According to some sources, this is the beginning of the 3rd trimester.
However, most seem to go with the end of 27 weeks, so we'll wait til then to make it official, I guess.
The exciting thing is that there are only 11 more weeks until we're full term!

1. How am I feeling?
Mostly stressed and emotional.
I cried all through the 2-hour choir concert Friday night 
...and the General Women's Meeting on Saturday night.
I've got my recital looming, 
but other classes are dividing my attention and energy as the semester winds down.
I still randomly throw up about once a week.
Hip/back pain is there, but I'm getting used to it.
I wish I had a bath tub.
But I love my baby and my husband and family and friends and teachers.
They make life better.

2. Cravings and aversions?
Not really any at this point, though I will never pass up a hamburger. :)
I went grocery shopping by myself this week, so I came home with a lot more produce than normal.
I definitely notice a difference in my energy and mood when I eat healthy.

3. Weight gain?
16 pounds, baby!

4. Stretch marks?
...at least not on my tummy...
*knocks on wood*

5. Belly button?
We're half and half right now....haha :)
Bottom is still in, top is out.
Belly-buttons are weird.

6. Encounters with strangers?
It's official.
I'm starting to get comments from strangers.
An older lady at the General Women's Meeting turned around, put her hand on my arm, and said,
"And when is your baby due?"
It caught me off guard, so I stammered a bit before answering.
Then she said, "Awh, well you're looking fabulous,"
and then turned back to her conversation.
No belly touches yet. Only from friends, and I don't mind that.

7. How is baby?
I can only assume she's feeling quite squished in there.
The size of a head of lettuce and almost 2lbs, there's not much more room in there for her to stretch.
She still tries though.
I've started feeling her more up in my ribs,
and for some reason, she thinks it's fun to stretch her bony little limbs out as far as she can.
And she reacts and squirms when Tucker puts his entire hand over her.
It sure is fun to feel though. :) 

8. Favorite parts of the week?
We were sitting in church on Sunday, and I was soooooo uncomfortable.
I was hot and tired and feeling huge, and I suddenly just wanted to be swimming.
Tucker reminded me that we could go to the campus pool on Monday night if we wanted,
and I was giddy with the thought of it ever since.
So last night after I took a test, we pulled out swim suits from summer storage, and went to the RB.
It was so fun!
I just hung onto the side and treaded water and swam back and forth while Tucker impressed everyone with giant cannon-balls, but it was still so fun and felt so good to do something active and outside the house.
I'm determined to make it a weekly activity.

9. What do I miss?
This will have it's own post, but letting go has been harder than I ever anticipated.
My pre-pregnancy body.
I'm honestly a bit surprised at this one. I didn't think I'd care that much,
but as I get bigger, and simple things become more difficult, 
I find myself missing my 124 lb, energetic, physically strong self.
I'm set on living a healthy life-style after the baby comes.
Dream-less sleep.
With all my sleep issues, I hardly ever dreamed.
Maybe a few times a year at most.
Now, I'm sleeping longer, which is good, but it feels like every moment is filled with bizarre dreams.
And then I just wake up feeling tired and like I've been awake the entire time.

10. What am I looking forward to?
School being over.
I'm so ready to be able to focus on clearing out the second bedroom for the baby, 
buying necessary things, sewing bedding and/or towels, doing crafts, etc.
It's hard to push nesting urges to the back of my mind.
I'm also excited to see grandparents and cousins coming up for General Conference,
my recital on April 12th, and BYU Women's Conference at the beginning of May.
I'm just really looking forward to summer. 

And here's a video of a few nights ago. We've got a hyper one in there!.....no surprise, really. :)

(and ignore the toilet flushing at the end...)

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1 comment:

  1. Yea!! I LOVED feeling my babies move around inside! It was so fun to get to watch your belly "swim". Thanks for sharing. :)
