Sunday, June 8, 2014

Apologies for the Blogging Hiatus...

Tucker and I have been enjoying our summer as much as we can.

April was T-O-U-G-H. 
Springtime, right? 
Not gonna lie, the blooms were gorgeous, but as they say, "When it rains, it pours," and for us, it definitely poured.
It all started on April 1st with a misunderstanding at work and Tucker resigning from his job. He was planning on resigning this summer anyway since the company is switching their headquarters to a different city, but we didn't think it would happen so soon. Happy April Fools, no?
After that, the downpour started.

Finals, car repairs, an infected root canal that almost sent us to the emergency room, my junior recital, and my 3-yr-old laptop crashing... 

Not to mention the ever-present pregnancy hormones picking the worst times to bubble over and leave me a soppy mess of tears and confusion and frustration.

The good news is, my recital went well, and my family was able to be there.

Let's just say, I was really happy for April to leave us this year.

May was MUCH better.

We kicked it off with Women's Conference with my Mom, Granny, and aunt's Kaylani and Janee. I loved getting to spend those couple days with them going to classes, tying quilts together, laughing at things only we think are funny... Plus, they surprised me with maternity clothes! yay actually fitting into things!

And then as soon as I got home Friday evening, Tucker and I drove up to Rexburg to spend the weekend with more family and snuggle that sweet new baby. :)

We drove back early Sunday evening so that Tucker could start his new job early Monday morning. He's also been applying to several Spanish translation jobs, so hopefully we'll hear back from those sometime soon.

And Tucker had his birthday! He was especially thrilled with the Air-zooka I surprised him with. :)

May was especially wonderful because we were able to adjust our work schedules to drive down to Arizona for a long weekend. We got there just in time for all the end-of-school festivities, and it was so nice being able to soak up the sun and enjoy time with both of our families. The weather was perfect, the pool felt glorious, and the younger siblings were goofy as ever. Plus, I have a fantastic family, and my mom and aunts were able to pull off a last-minute baby shower for me! It was so much fun, and I was so glad so many people were able to come! Thank you!

Basically, I'm really glad we were able to go to Arizona. It's home, and I can't wait until we move back there.....eventually......someday.

And now we're a week into June!

Hooray birthday month!

The weather is finally nice and sunny pretty consistently. I wish I could be outside all the time! Alas, I spend 7-8 hours of my day in solitude in a sealed vault full of antique music scores. I treasure my lunch breaks when I at least get to see the sun through the windows. :)

We've also been spending time with fun friends occasionally. Two of Tucker's favorite mission friends, Elder Waters and Sister Bradfield, both moved down to Provo and recently started dating, so we've had a couple fun game nights and picnics with them.

You know what else June means?

Baby Diggle (as her father affectionately named her until she has a real name.....) will be here NEXT MONTH!!!

That's sort of hard to wrap our minds around...
Doctors appointments have increased to every two weeks and will soon be every week.
Before we know it, we'll be packing our bags for the hospital!

So how about a Diggle update (especially for the Green Beans who have requested from Kansas (; )?

1. How many weeks?
Good question!
You see....there's been a bit of discrepancy.
Measuring from menstrual cycle (which was very regular), the due date is July 8th.
At the 10 week ultrasound, the doctor said she was measuring a bit small,
but because it wasn't a full week different,
he said protocol was to just keep my due date as July 8th.

After the 20 week ultrasound, I asked the doctor if she was still measuring small,
and he said, "Nope! She's measuring right on schedule!"

Except then a few weeks later at what I thought was my 28 weeks appointment,
the doctor said, "Yep! measuring right on for 27 weeks!"

So I started asking around.
I go to an office that rotates the doctors you see.
I've loved all of them and don't have any complaints,
but it has made this due date thing a bit complicated.

So the next doctor said one of the others apparently changed the due date in my chart to July 14th,
6 days later....
He wasn't sure if they were going off of the 10 or 20 wk ultrasound
so he said he'd ask around.

But at my last appointment, the nurse (who was completely unaware of the issue)
just said, "Well, it says the 14th right here, so that's what I'm going by."

So I'm somewhere between 35 and 36 weeks.
My own due-date guesses are the 3rd, 5th, 10th, or 11th.
Not sure why.
And of course, she'll come whenever she's darn-well ready.
We're just excited for whenever that will be. :)

2. How am I feeling?
Happy and "Owe" at the same time. :)
I really am loving it.
I don't think I'm one of those people who absolutely loves being pregnant and misses it when it's over.
I mean, it's cool to feel her and realize there's a baby in there,
but I'll like her out here a whole lot more.
Plus, pregnancy is just kinda painful all the time.

Luckily, my back and hips have been doing a whole lot better.
I wear a support belt, sit on an exercise ball or lumbar support chair at work, sleep with a something between my knees, and avoid lifting heavy things, so most of the time, I'm alright.

However, we've got a couple new pains that have been pretty debilitating and still affect my walking.
Over the past couple weeks, my pubic bone/lower pelvis started feeling kinda sore, like a bruise.
Some moms experience a similar pain when the baby's head drops,
adding more pressure down there,
But mine felt different, more on the outside edge than the inside.
In the past few days, it's turned from dull and aching to sharp and stabbing.
Last night, I couldn't even get up off the couch to go to bed without Tucker helping me
because it spreads and sort of wraps around my left side
making any movement of my left leg really painful.
Which also means pitiful whimpering in my sleep every time I have to switch sides...
I'm thinking possibly pubis symphysis diaphysis,
but I'll definitely be bringing it up to my doctor at my appointment this week.

And as baby gets bigger, I've been experiencing the occasional leg cramp
and really tight charlie-horses in my thighs..

Oh, and I blacked out sitting at my desk at work...
Short torso + growing baby = very little room for lungs to expand.
I still occasionally get dizzy, but haven't black out again.
My doctors weren't too worried about it,
and showed me some "exercises" I can do to keep blood from pooling and get it back up to my brain.
No fun.

But like I said,
we're healthy and I'm happy, and besides that, everything is going great,
so there's really no reason to complain.

3. Cravings?

Ok, you're going to laugh at me.
I honestly thought I'd make it the full 9 months without craving anything besides hamburgers...
I didn't think I'd fall into the category of crazy.
But then I slipped.
I was in the kitchen making chicken fajitas one night when I got a teensy bit of sour cream on my pinky.
Without even thinking, I licked it off,
I stopped myself when I realized what I was doing, put the lid back on, and walked away.
A couple nights later, it was 11:30, and we were watching a movie in bed.
I suddenly really needed macaroni and cheese, so I got up to make some.
I open the fridge to get the milk and butter, 
when I see the sour cream in the door.
And before I can stop myself, I add a big, fat dollop to the top of my steaming mac&cheese.
Tucker was disgusted with me. ;)
Hey! At least I'm not craving dirt or laundry detergent!

4. Weight gain?
28 pounds so far!
Certainly feels like a lot more....

5. Belly button?
Officially pretty much non-existent.
It doesn't stick out...
it's just totally flat and weird looking.

6. Encounters with strangers?
While we were in Arizona, we were standing in the hallway at church.
This lady who knows my in-laws, but I have no clue who she is,
just comes up to me, bubbling over from excitement, and starts rubbing my belly
and talking about how cute baby bellies are
and how wonderful babies are and how excited she is for us.
It was pretty hilarious actually,
and I wasn't even offended at all because she was so nice and funny.

7. How is baby?
Head down!
And squirmy as ever...
Her booty is right underneath my left ribs,
and her feet are down in the corner where my right hip and ribs meet.
She likes to play this game where she straightens her legs,
sticking her booty out to the front left and her feet out to the bottom right,
making my belly look ridiculously lopsided.
We like her though. :)

8. Nesting?
You betcha. :)
I've gotta say, Tucker going to bed early so he can get up for his early job
has turned me into quite the home-organizer.
Tucker goes to sleep, I turn on Netflix, and then I go crazy.
In the past couple weeks, I completely cleared out our 2nd bedroom
(which has been our junk zone since we moved in),
put together all the nursery furniture,
organized baby clothes
cleared out 2 big closets,
dejunked the house,
and took 2 boxes of stuff and a big bag of clothes to D.I.
It's been pretty fun, I've gotta admit.
We're getting the car-seat this week, and after that, all we need is a crib mattress and sheets!
And a couple other things.....
But we're getting there!

9. Worried about?
Labor? Not really, actually.
My plan is to go unmedicated, using the Hypnobabies method.
It's not full hypnosis, but it teaches complete relaxation and mental anesthesia
through breathing and mental cues.
Kinda cool to read about.
Anyway, I have nothing against epidurals.
My mom loved them, and so do most people I've talked to.
And I'm fully aware that things don't always go according to plan,
so I'm going into it planning for natural,
and we'll see where it goes from there.

I'm really not worried about much of anything.

Except I have a somewhat irrational fear of SIDS.
It's just scary because doctors are always changing their mind on what causes it,
and no one really knows.
You can do everything right, and still....
I'm just not letting myself think about it too much.
And thank you to those of you who have shared comforting thoughts about it.
I'll just follow the precautions, do what I feel is best for her, and trust in God.

10. Looking forward to?
Fathers' Day this Sunday.
Finishing my philosophy class next week.
Getting my hair cut at some point...
My birthday.
Baby girl joining our family!
Family reunion in California!
It's gonna be a good summer. :)

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