Tuesday, July 19, 2016

First Bumpdate: Week 16!

A couple weeks ago, we surprised everyone with the news that we're expecting Denton #2!

Then again, some of you weren't actually all that surprised. I'd already lied to a handful of people, and that just felt weird. But I really wanted to stick to my plan of waiting until Annie's birthday to tell. I'm sorry, ok?!

May 2nd: I was 3 days late, and Tucker came home from work with a box of tests

We are so excited! After their initial congratulations, I've had a few people ask, "But how do you really feel about it?" Totally understandable because for a long time, I was completely terrified at the thought of having another child. I mean, one is hard enough, right? But Annie is such a fun and happy toddler, and I'm in a really good place with my mental health, so I felt good about it. I told Tucker I knew I was ready to start trying for another baby when my reaction would be more excitement and joy instead of mostly terror and stress. And that's exactly how it has been. I am so excited for this cute little baby to get here!

Ok, ok, let's get on to the important stuff.

Due date: January 2, 2017

Weeks along: 16 already! 

Today at 16+1
left to right: 8w, 10w, 11w (bloat goes down), 12w, 14w, 15w

Cravings: Sonic frozen strawberry lemonade mostly. I also had an intense craving for Little Caesar's Crazy Bread and tater-tots. But with the first trimester, it was mostly fruity stuff that sounded delicious, which is funny because with Annie, all I wanted was eggs and greasy, cheesy, meaty things. A few weekends ago, we went on a quick date for frozen yogurt, but I really felt like I needed Subway first, and even though I just stuck with my normal order, it was the yummiest thing I've ever had, and I almost cried. So that was probably hormones talking. And also, Panda's Orange Chicken always sounds amazing if anyone ever gets the random urge to bring me something. ;)

Boy or Girl: No clue. Tucker was leaning towards girl but now thinks boy. Annie keeps saying "sister!" and "girl!" I keep thinking how cute a boy would be. But I really have no feelings one way or another. We'll find out in a few weeks!

Nickname: Blueb (Variations: Blewb or Bloob), short for Blueberry. No idea why. Ask Tucker. Remember how Annie was Diggle?

Morning sickness: Hardly any! It's been a miracle because I was so so so sick for close to 4 months with Annie. But I only had about 2 weeks of mild morning sickness with this baby, and things have been great! Last week, there was one random bout of sickness, and Annie stood next to me patting my head and stroking my cheek and saying "Good job, Mommy!" and "Yay, Karli!" and "I flush Mommy's barf!" It was cute, but mostly I just wanted to barf in peace.

Maternity clothes: Recently got them out, and I'm loving them! I can still fit into most of my clothes, but pants are definitely getting more snug so it's nice to have that big ol' stretchy part that doesn't dig into my abdomen.

Other Symptoms: Hip pain. Yes, already. Most of the time, it's just a dull ache, but if I sit or lie in one position too long, I get really stiff and sore and have to hobble around for awhile in a lot of pain.
I sleep a LOT at night, but I'm usually able to get through the day without a nap. Usually.

Announcing: We announced to my family Saturday, June 25th while they were in town. I made this little tag, and we stuck it to a bag of the pink and white Circus Animal Cookies. I handed it to them right as we were leaving out the door to go to the circus, and they loved it!

We never officially announced to Tucker's family. My MIL saw ginger-ale and Saltines on my nightstand at the cabin a month ago and knew but never said anything. She told my FIL her guess, and my SIL had been bugging me about it for weeks ever since she saw a bit of a bump because of the way I was holding Annie above my tummy. One week, she stopped me in the middle of a sentence and put her hands on my belly exclaiming, "I really think there's a baby in there!" I denied it, but she wouldn't drop it, and eventually my face gave it away. The younger in-laws found out on Annie's birthday when she opened a present with the ultrasound pictures. She really didn't know what was going on, but when we did presents and cake, one of the gift-bags had a paper with "Brother or Sister?" on it with the ultrasound pictures inside. We snapped pictures and shared on Facebook for our public announcement.

Dr. Appt: Our first appt wasn't until Annie's birthday, which is why we waited so long to announce. We thought I was about 12w+5, but the US showed me measuring about 4 days ahead at 13w+2. After the initial paperwork, they took us right back to the ultrasound room, and we got to see our little Blueb swimming and squirming! At first, I was sad we had to wait so long for our first appointment (they usually do them between 8-10 weeks), but now, I'm am so glad because we got to see more than just a jellybean in there! Cute little face and tummy and heart-beat and spine and legs and hands and toes! I wish we could have just stayed in there forever. But then it was time to meet with the doctor. After talking with him and verifying that my cycles are a little longer than average, he decided that we could move my due date from January 6th to January 2nd. I know it's only 4 days, but it just seems so much sooner! Especially when it practically pushed me into the second trimester already! Everything looked good, and he's not worried at all. He even gave me the ok for Disneyland as long as I use good judgement!!! And since I was 13 weeks and not 12 weeks, he booked my next appointment for 5 weeks out instead of 4 so we can just do the anatomy ultrasound and find out if Annie will get a brother or sister!


head, spine, tummy, and heart

I'm so excited, and honestly, I'm really loving this pregnancy so far. I realize I'm pretty lucky because my first was nowhere near this pleasant. Plus, it just feels like it's going by so fast, and I hope it will continue that way. We can't wait to meet our little Blueb!

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  1. I am so happy for you guys!! Can't wait to see if it's a boy or a girl :) also have fun in Disneyland!!!!! We need to catch up soon! I'll send you a letter soon ;)

  2. Annie is still Diggle in my house. Can't wait to meet Blueb!!!

  3. Annie is still Diggle in my house. Can't wait to meet Blueb!!!
