Tuesday, October 11, 2016

A Two-Year-Old's Treasures

The past couple days, Annie discovered an old baby doll backpack, and between playing "school" with Evie and getting caught up in her own games of "pretend," its zipper has started bursting with all sorts of treasures worthy of her two-year-old curiosity.

I spy with my little eye......

4 books
a handful of pennies
a toy cupcake top
a mini teddy bear
a cheap spritzer of cologne
a mini Play-Doh
a sippy cup
a brush
and old phone
a pen
"school" papers
a lightsaber hilt
a sponge paintbrush
the Apple TV remote
a badminton birdie
a bow
a teething toy
and two Post-it pads

Oh, and my deodorant was in there, too. 

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1 comment:

  1. I just read through almost all of your blog. You are an amazing woman and an amazing mother. The vulnerability you showed in talking about your daughter's first few months astounds me. You are wise beyond your years and an inspiration to me.

    KerowynA Aged 60 years old
