Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Fruits of No Planning

Well, it's been two whole years since we got family pictures. And when you've still got little kids, that's kind of a big deal because they just grow up so dang quick! And after this, we'll only have one more year where our family will be together seeing as Layton can turn his mission papers in a year from next month!!!

So I finally convinced my dad that we should go take pictures while I was home, and on Sunday night (after he'd had time to think about it and convinced himself that it was his idea in the first place) he decided we should go take them Monday morning.

Problem. No photographer and no fancy camera.

Solution. Self-timer and borrow Aunt Kaylani's fancy camera.

Also, where do you take pictures in the dead of Mesa-winter when all the grass is brown? We did the temple last time. Thought a golf course might look kinda funny. And then we remembered Coon Bluff where we filmed a really awesome Lion King skit a few years ago. We decided to risk it without knowing what we'd find.

Luckily, we were pleasantly surprised. We got out to Coon Bluff around 1 (so much for leaving at 10) and spent the entire afternoon taking pictures and letting the kids climb trees, throw rocks, and hike mountains. 

Besides being a fun family outing, we even got lucky with a few good shots!

Here are some favorites (there are lots!).


"It is better to look up."

And some more...

getting the wiggles out


Silly parents...

Abraham and Isaac

Tressie and her flying shadow

Not too shabby, eh?

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