Thursday, January 5, 2012

Twenty Eleven

I know it's already the 5th, but I've gotta do a recap, right?

2011...what. a. year.

Shall we take it one month at a time?

I'll try to keep it relatively short. And if you want pictures, click the links. I figured it was easier than posting them all again.

  • I started off the year with the mantra, "Be fierce (not ferocious)."
  • Met one of my favorite, most respected men, Bishop Sybrowsky.
  • Ate ice cream with "my boys."
  • Bought a lot of pens.
  • started journal #6
  • Went to BYU basketball games and watched Jimmer.
  • attended the mission call opening of my very Best friend.
  • took some time to myself to be crafty and artsy
  • Placed 2nd in the NATS singing competition and learned a good lesson about sportsmanship.
  • Visited Chicago and discovered my "city girl" side. Definitely will be going back at some point in my life.
  • March 20th - best night of my life.
  • went to the Holi Color Festival and crossed "attend witch burning in a crowd of thousands of college kids chanting Hindu prayers and dealing and buying scented, edible, colored powder to throw on each other" off my bucket list. Cuz that was totally on there.
  • got a weird letter from a soon-to-be-returned missionary, and wrote an overly dramatic, emotional, not-very-nice blog post about it that had to be edited probably 6 times. Hey, I'm human.
  • wrote down the special story of my Red Dress (read it! it's good :)) and let my friend's little sister borrow it to have her own special night in.
  • finished my first year of college.
  • spent Easter at Bishop Sybrowsky's house.
  • left for my first state-side tour with Singers.
  • finished up our 2-week tour through Colorado and Wyoming. Loved it, but was so glad to be home.
  • 9 short, wonderful days before "see ya in 2"
  • Put on a really short-notice wedding and succeeded!
  • May 12 - last date (picnic dinner and star-gazing and dancing in the desert) :)
  • May 15- Farewell
  • May 16-  said goodbye to my favorite for 2 years
  • May 17- Happy Birthday
  • May 18- the next big adventure started
  • painted a mural with spray paint
  • enjoyed time with family
  • raised a baby bird
  • went back up to Provo for summer semester
  • turned 19
  • made new friends
  • danced in the rain a lot
  • got a new computer
  • found a secluded waterfall
  • experienced the end of part of my childhood with the midnight showing of Harry Potter 7 Part 2.
  • strengthened relationships with friends and roommates
  • started journal #7
  • became confused with life. Again.
  • moved into a new apartment
  • started Singers singing Alto for the first time in my life
  • started school. bleh.
  • redecorated and updated my blog
  • made some goals enabling myself to take time for me
  • first friend got married!
  • had quite the experience/adventure driving down to Arizona for the wedding.
  • discovered my new favorite frosting. Oreo Cookies and Cream. Oh. My. Gosh. Amazing. Go find it on my Pinterest. It's my favorite.
  • my Halloween costume was BOMB.
  • came the realization that I really like my life, the good, the bad, all of it. 
  • celebrated 6 months of adventure
  • went home for Thanksgiving and did NOT have to survive a flood like 2010.
  • finished up my 3rd semester of college.
  • did well on finals.
  • got really stressed with auditions for the music program (still stressed.....)
  • went home for Christmas. Yay!
  • had my first experience as a bridesmaid for one of my close friends
  • took successful family pictures. Woot!

Me and my boring life. The first half of the year was quite crazy. The second half mostly consisted of just plowing through. 

I didn't read as many books as I wanted, but I did read a few good ones including the These Is My Words series and The Help.

I didn't do too well on one of my goals of being more consistent in writing my missionary friends. I did really well until about August. And then it sort of fizzled and died.

I think I did ok not falling off the ferocious side of being fierce, but I almost feel like I've lost being fierce all together. I'm missing passion and excitement. I need something to be fierce about.

I want to feel more fulfilled and accomplished at the end of 2012 than I did at the end of 2011. I'm still confused about life a bit, but I feel like this is going to be a big year. I'm excited for where it takes me, and I'm anxious to find more of myself. I'll post some of my goals tomorrow once I've gone to all my classes.

1 comment:

  1. Karli, I think you are absolutely amazing and very driven. I am glad to know you! And hope I can see you more often this semester :)
