Friday, January 6, 2012

The Plan of Attack

Let's clear one thing up. I've never been one for making goals. Sure I have things I'd like to accomplish, but I don't often get around to writing them down or making any sort of plan of attack. I know, I know. Now you're probably thinking that one quote that says, "Goals, when not written down, become merely dreams or wishes." Yeah, yeah. I'm just fine with that. Ever heard of a dream come true? How about a wish come true? Thought so. Plus, it sounds so much more exciting than just "goal accomplished." Bo-ring.


I made some goals. Written down and all. So in my last post, I mentioned how I was a bit....dissatisfied? .....lacking?.....with my performance last year, especially the last few months. I spent a lot of time on good things, and not enough time on the best things. And that needs to change. I was stressing myself out and feeling like I had no time for anything. But that was mostly my own unorganized fault. I need to declutter my brain. I need to organize my life. I've actually tried this a few times, but I've never been able to stay determined/motivated (remember my problem with losing being fierce?). And that needs to change, too. 

So basically, all my goals fall under "Make time" and getting organized and STAYING organized.

First, I decided on general goals. Read more. Go to bed and wake up early. Be on time to class. Spend time studying and not on Facebook/Pinterest. Make my scripture study more meaningful. When needed, spend time polishing my music. Devote more time to my calling. Like I said, they kind of all have to do with making time. But these kind of goals have never really got me anywhere. Sure, I can say I'm going to do all these things, but am I really going to? This is where the plan of attack comes in!

And so I made a schedule. Shocker, right? And now that I've posted it, you're all responsible for keeping me on track.

7:30- wake up, get ready, breakfast, maybe scriptures
8:40- leave for class
9 to 2- class
2 to 5- work
5 to 6:30- dinner and scripture study if I didn't get to it in the morning
6:30 to 8- Physical Science study (if I had class that day)
8 to 9- Do my reading for my 10:00 class (Living Prophets or Archaeology (yeah, I'm taking that. Cuz I'm cool)).
9 to 9:30- German study, speaking practice, cultural whatever....
And get ready for bed, write in my journal, and read for fun.

Now, you might be thinking, Holy cow! You've left no room for anything else! Isn't having time the point? Well, now you see, the great thing about this schedule is it's flexible!!! Some things take less time than the time allowed. In fact, most of them do. Which means, I always have extra minutes until it's time to do something else. And in the past two days, it's actually worked really well. Yesterday, I was done with homework by 9, and got in bed at 10:30, and was asleep by 11:30. Success! I'm feeling good about it. And I'm hoping it pays off.

I'm blaming you if I fail. Ok, maybe not. But keep me motivated!

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