Saturday, April 7, 2012

Inner Conflict

Here I sit, minding my own business, listening to my Disney Pandora station while studying for Living Prophets, when Pandora so kindly informs me that Disney is holding their annual audition process in the next couple weeks.

Somebody, please remind me why I have to go to school, because vocal and Princess look-alike auditions are next week, and I can't for the life of me remember why school is important! 

They're even coming to Salt Lake to audition on the 16th! 

Because let's face it. I could do this every day and never EVER get sick of it.


  1. OH MY GOSH KARLI!!! You MUST try out!!! I'm going to Disney World this summer for the Disney College Program and I've never been more excited for something! You could totally be a Disney Princess! Oh please please try out!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. You don't look enough like her. Where's your book? And your basket? ;) What could it really hurt to audition? Really? How often do you get the chance to be your heroine?

  4. And you know that first comment wasn't from Brad, but one I thought I erased, right?

  5. You should totally audition! It could be a fun adventure! :)
