Friday, March 25, 2011

A Reminder for You and a Weather Update for the Clueless Clouds

Just a reminder, Singers will be performing with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir this Sunday morning in Music and the Spoken Word. Find it on your TV or radio! ...I'm just hoping my voice will be back by then....

a couple more professional looking photos of our Chicago moments...

Roosevelt Auditorium Theatre

                                   Orchestra Hall...look at that ceiling!!!

The Final Cut-Off
Also, today it is slushy-ing. Not raining. Not snowing. Just massive puddles of slush. Everywhere. Which is really inconvenient if you walk to work in just jeans, converse, and a sweatshirt in perfectly fine weather and get to trudge home in soggy everything.

I mean, I can deal with snow. It's beautiful and sparkly and fun to play in. But this stuff is gross. Apparently the clouds are having a hard time deciding if it's winter or spring, so they decided to mix it all together.

FYI, clouds, it's really spring. For reals now. The calendar told me so last Sunday. So no more mix ups.

Remember last week, when you rained instead of snowed or slushed? Remember how giddy I was that it wasn't freezing rain? and I could actually play in it? And it smelled like spring and everything was glorious and I practically skipped home just to put my stuff down so I could go back out and play?

Yeah, that was perfect.

Also, in case you didn't know, if you look up into the rain standing by a massive ground light, the rain drops look like mini fire-balls of death. Or shooting stars. Either one. They're practically the same thing.
I want another rain storm. April showers, anyone?

1 comment:

  1. Does your allergy to water inhibit your love of the rain at all?
