Monday, March 7, 2011


I'm thankful for the people in my life who are a heck of a lot less prideful and better winners than me.

There's this funny (not really) story in my family of a certain game of Old Maid. I was 3. I lost. And my dad made me get up and walk around like an old lady. I. Was. Furious. For some reason, I get made fun of for it to this day. Even my little brothers who weren't even alive yet think it's funny to ask me, "Hey Karli, wanna play Old Maid?" and then they run away sniggering before I can slug 'em.

Anywho, so I sorta have this reputation of being a sore loser. It's gotten better. I promise. Yes, I like winning, but I no longer throw a screaming, flailing fit if I lose. I gracefully acknowledge the winner and move on. But I still really like winning.

This past weekend, I competed in NATS (National Association of Teachers of Singing.....I think). It was rather short notice, but it's always good to get used to performing in front of other people. I was in the Beginning University Classical Division. I think only 3 or 4 people showed up for the first round, so the competition was pretty slim. Therefore, it wasn't a huge deal that me and my friend Tyrell (another extremely talented bass in my choir...we're freshman babies together) were chosen as the 2 finalists.

Saturday afternoon, we waited around to sing in front of an audience and all the judges in the Madsen Recital Hall in the Harris Fine Arts Center. Although we were about to compete against each other, Ty asked if I'd want to go to ice cream afterwards. See? That's what I'm talking about - the whole being nice even though we're competing. I could be better at it.

We sang. We both did well. I got 2nd place; Ty got 1st. And then we went to Coldstone where he bought me ice cream. We talked about our plans for voice (he wants to go on to some conservatory or young artist program...crazy), and never once were there any competitive, critical feelings. Weird.

I've definitely improved from the stomping, screaming fit of a three-year-old, but I realized that I'm not to the point where, if I win, I take the other person out for ice cream. It's a pride issue. But I think next time it happens, I'll try Ty's approach. Besides, free ice cream just makes everybody nice.

I've posted the video (thanks to my friend, Logan Bradford, who took first place in the University Advanced Classical division) on my Facebook for those of you (Mom and Dad) who missed it. It was having trouble loading straight to here.


  1. the first step to overcoming a problem IS admitting it. :) i guess the power of old maid is gone since you have told it, yourself, to the world. did you see all the compliments on my fb page? love you pumpkin head!

  2. I read this post too ... but from now on, I'm just going to read them and not comment unless I actually have something to say.

  3. Congrats on the second place and the progress in the pride issue. Your honesty is refreshing. My husband won't play monopoly with me because he thinks I sided with my brother in an "early in our marriage" game.
