Wednesday, April 20, 2011

10 things about me you probably don't care about knowing...

I got tagged, so here's my list. Thanks for the distraction from studying for my last final, Emma ;)

1. What did you do ten years ago?
Hmmm. I was finishing third grade at Franklin West Elementary with my least favorite teacher, Miss Barbour. I was in the gym (as in gymnastics) probably 12 hours a week- that was before the hard-core. I went on a trip to Sea World with my newly-wed, 19 yr. old aunt/big sister. I'd recently moved. New house, new ward, new friends, with the looming prospects of a new school in the fall. I probably had also just switch piano teachers (again) to a teacher that taught strictly piano, not voice as well. I'd been baptized for almost a year, I finally had my own room, and my 3rd little brother was born. Oh! and I had curly hair. First time getting a perm, and I loved it. And so did everyone else. In fact, everyone thought it was natural. Thinking of doing it again...

2. What were you doing one year ago?
I was doing my best not to explode from sheer joy and excitement at the thought of going to Prom that weekend in my dream dress with my dream date. I was giddy....just a little ;)

3. 5 snacks you love?
Ummm.....Well, chips are my addictive weakness (especially Salt & Vinegar and Tostito's Hint of Lime) but maybe not my favorite, chocolate, ice cream!, cookies, and smoothies.

4. 5 songs you know all the words to?
Oh gosh...this list is never-ending. about...Home from Beauty and the Beast, Lucky- Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat, I Remember When the Earth Stopped Turning, Allerseelen- Richard Strauss, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand.....Pirates Who Don't Do Anything- Veggie Tales. Eclectic enough for you?

5. 5 things you would do with a million bucks?
Finish college, build my dream white Southern plantation house complete with wrap-around porch and a rose garden, compile my own library, travel, and adopt 2 kids from Africa (that last one has been a plan of mine for as long as I can remember, way back when I was living in Miami, Florida and wanted only Black baby dolls...who knows if it'll actually happen...we'll see...)

6. 5 bad habits?
not going to sleep at a decent hour, taking 45-minute steaming hot showers, biting my nails, wasting time in general when I should be studying, going to work late (it's not a big deal, and going early would just mean more sitting around and doing nothing waiting for the delivery guys to bring me more paper-work. My shift supposedly starts and 9, I get there between 9:10 and 9:30, and no one cares even the slightest)

7. 5 things I like to do?
How 'bout I choose ones you wouldn't expect from me (like singing, drawing, hanging out with friends, etc.). Painting nails (mostly other people's), cooking (when I have the time), playing in the rain, writing in my journal (religiously, every night), and wrestling/mortal combat- you kinda HAVE to know how with 4 younger brothers...

8. 5 things you would never dress in or buy?
oh boy....uh...depends on what mood I'm in :) I've done the emo/goth rock star, tomboy, Miss America, frills...We're going to assume this is for every-day attire, not for costumes or shows or anything. Ok, so now that I am not 3 years old and have a choice in how I dress, I would NEVER wear bloomers. YUCK. bane of my toddler existence. Unfortunately, all my pretty dresses from Grandma came with bloomers... Ok, so bloomers, any sort of Lady Gaga costume, mini-skirts, moon-boots, and the costume they had me wear for the opening of Junior Miss last year. Bleh!

9. 5 favorite toys?
From my childhood or today? I'm going with childhood because that's more fun. Barbies. I was big on those. Not so much the pink and the dress-ups, but the playing out elaborate stories. Also, all my Disney characters. I had them all organized into families. It was awesome. Stuffed animals. Sometimes they were my only true friends in the cruel, unfair world of a toddler. My toy kitchen. Loved that thing. And probably my bike and/or scooter.

10. 5 people I tag?
umm....I hate tagging people, so just do it if you want to.


  1. If you get a perm, I will. Just did my hair, and wished it was already mostly curly.
    And who borrowed that red dress?
    Loving David Archuleta. Love the play list. Normally I hate them, but yours is different somehow.

  2. If you like to paint other peoples nails you can paint mine

  3. Hahaha! Perm party? Do it! These are all things I love and miss about you. Are you sure you want to go for summer term? I have a room waiting for you :)

  4. I transferred schools in third grade because I would have had Ms. Barbour :) I'm sorry you got stuck with her.
    I feel like we sort of grew up together, minus the whole interacting thing. That is unfortunate. But I love your blog.
    Also, I bite my nails too.
    Oh, and have you tried the Salt and Vinegar Kettle Chips? I gain like ten pounds every time I buy a bag because I can't stop eating them. But they're so good and you need to try them.
