Monday, June 20, 2011

This is why I went home...

And this is what I miss.

home-made syrup and jam

warm Arizona rain
 And Arizona summer in general. It was good to spend a few weeks at home. These next few shots I took right after the kids all got out of school. Don't they just say SUMMER?

I absolutely love this picture. The summer sun, the bright colors...ahh :)
playing fetch with Patch
Jaxon and Tress...cute kids hoppin' in the pools.

tree-house adventures

Popsicles, swimsuit, shady chair...Epitome of summer right here.

And now I'm back up in Provo for summer term. I boarded my flight Sunday afternoon in wonderful, sunny, 104 degree Pheonix. I got off the plane in foggy, rainy, 54 degree Salt Lake. 

And if you want an idea of how my first day back at school has been....I'll just say this. I got home around 7, all my roommates were 45 minutes away at FHE, I don't have a key to the apartment yet because the office is only open 4 days a weeks for 2 hours, and I happen to have a class during those 2 hours, so I was locked out. I resorted to pulling out the screen and climbing through the window. 

This'll be an adventure.........of sorts........

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