Thursday, October 18, 2012


In case you were wondering....

This is how I feel right now. Since opera tech rehearsals started last Friday, I've been struggling. Saturday was an all-day tech rehearsal, and right after, I went to Salt Lake with Singers for an evening concert. Monday, we had off, but Tuesday, tech/full dress rehearsals started, and I've been in the HFAC til almost midnight the past 2 days. We open Saturday night, and the show runs all next week. It will be great, but I was already fully expecting that these two weeks will be hectic and crazy and struggly. And then I woke up this morning to an email from the stake telling me that we're having another "special" stake conference in two weeks and that they need 2 choir numbers. Umm. First of all, they promised me this last minute stuff wouldn't happen again. And secondly, I DON'T EVEN HAVE A CHOIR!

Sorry for the freak-out. I'm trying to have a better attitude about it and get things under control. It's just slightly irritating that they think we can have a choir ready to perform two numbers for a member of the Quorum of the Twelve with only 2 Sunday practices. Really, people? Grr.

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