Sunday, February 24, 2013

Sweet Things

Something I truly believe is that God never gives us more than we are able to handle.

There's always something to be happy about, something to be thankful for, something to find beauty in, someone to hear, someone to serve, someone to love,
chocolate to eat... ;)

I've seen that in my life a lot this week.

Heavenly Father keeps me balanced.

He makes sure there's always enough sweet to compensate for the painful and bitter.

Because of Him, I can say that even though some things are really hard and struggly right now, 
I really do love my life.

Sweet things from the past week:

- Opera scenes -
I cemented friendships with some amazing people.
I laughed. I sang. I ate lots of In-N-Out. 

- Work - 
I still love it even though this project is taking way longer than I thought.
I love my coworkers.
I love looking at and touching and smelling old books.
I love finding fingerprints of people who lived hundreds of years ago.
I love researching obscure composers/librettists/choreographers and finding out more about their lives.

- Choir -
I love the people I associate with every day.
I love Dr. Staheli.
I love music.
It brings the Spirit to my life every day.

- Missionaries -
2 friends returned from missions this week.
My brother leaves in 2 1/2 weeks.
Another friend leaves this week.
Happy letters from New York and Virginia, 2 of my favorites.

- Sunshine -
It peaked through a couple times!

- School -
I'm so thankful that school is not a struggle this semester.
It's still sometimes confusing and takes a lot of work,
but I'm really thankful that it's not something I currently have to worry about.

- Quiet -
My roommate spent a lot of time at her cousin's house this week, so I mostly had the place to myself. 
Lots of thinking time.
Long showers.
I walked to campus in the dark at 6AM this morning. 
No cars. No people. Just me in the quiet & snow.

- Puppies -
Ok, so I don't have a puppy.
And I didn't encounter any puppies.
But I looked at pictures of puppies, and they made me happy.

- Family -
Troy learned how to say his "R"s and called me and said, "Karrrrrrrli!" just to prove it. :)
I got a package from Mom and Troy and Tressie full of happy things- citrus from our trees, Valentines from the kids, a giant Hershey's kiss, a yummy bag of granola, and a yummy loaf of bread.
Best ever!

All these things prove to me every day that God is my loving Father in Heaven.
He blesses me with the good
because He knows I need it to get through the not-so-good.
He wants us to trust him.
He wants us to humble ourselves enough that we stop trying to control things ourselves 
and just hand it all over to Him to take care of.
He wants to fix things.
He sees everybody's potential and is always there to help us along.
He loves us.
He wants us to be happy.

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