Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A much-needed reminder

I've decided I don't so much like Wednesdays.

Yes, I do only have choir on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays til the end of February, but is it really worth it when I have class from 1-7:30 on Wednesdays? Plus work every day from 9-12? I'm having a hard time deciding. I'll probably be fine tomorrow after choir when I lounge around with all my free time....or do a freakin lot of reading for some of these classes...

Honestly, I love my Music Civ teacher. He's cool. And I love the class. But it's the last class of a long day, and it lasts for 2 1/2 maybe I'll just use this time to blog every week as I sit and eat my Snickers, Sour Patch gummy watermelons, and Veggie Wheat Thins.

And I got not-so-great news today. And I'm sick of college. And it's cold. And I have old-man knee/hip joints that get stiff and sore. And I'm ranting. And this blog is about the happy things in my life. So let's list some of those.

My voice lesson went really well yesterday, despite still getting over bronchitis and laryngitis. Dr. Babidge says my voice is getting bigger, so that's exciting.

My choir voice is also improving, as my director was kind enough to point out today.

Work is going well.

I have awesome family and friends who help and guide me when I can't see anything.

I'm not sick anymore and I never lost my voice, which is saying something for all the sicky sopranos in choir right now...

I know everything happens for a reason and that it will all be ok, probably even better than ok.

I have a Heavenly Father who loves me perfectly and a Savior who understands me perfectly.

Ok. Good reminder. Life's good. Hard and confusing, but really really good.

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