Monday, January 10, 2011


For the most part, I am strong. I am Happy with who I am, and I am confident (sometimes maybe a little too confident...). I am extremely grounded in my beliefs. I will stick by them no matter what (stubborn? you could say that). I like to think I'm open minded as well, but I know it's an area I have to improve.

For the most part, I'm not afraid to say what I think or do what I want.

A few years back, one of my friends called it being assertive.

But sometimes, I'm not so sure.

This past week in choir, we began exploring the different aspects of the "Singers' Psyche," attributes each of us should work to improve in our daily lives. Number 2 particularly struck me.

Be fierce.

Fierce. Not ferocious.

And sometimes, especially lately, I think maybe I fall off the ferocious side more often than not.

I would say I'm fiercely loyal to my friends, so much so to the point that maybe I'm a bit ferocious to those who mess with them.

I'm fiercely dedicated to my beliefs, but maybe sometimes I'm ferocious to those who don't understand them.

I'm fierce when it comes to going after things or achieving my goals, the effect being I become ferocious and may bite off the head of anyone who gets in my way and forget to stop what I'm doing and look for ways to serve others.

I'm fierce when it comes to boys going on missions, so much so that I lose hold of the reigns and get ferocious trying to get them there.

I'm fiercely Happy with my life and the people in it that I'm ferocious in forgetting to open my mind to ways of making it better and letting others in.

So this is my new mantra for now, thanks to Dr. Staheli.

Be fierce, not ferocious.

One incorporates the Spirit and implies living with intention. The other does neither.


I'll do my best not to bite anyone's head off. :)


  1. I give you permission to bite the head off one last deserving soul. Nice explanation of the difference between the 2. Love you:)

  2. I say anyone who tickles the spot deserves to get their head bitten off if they can't stand the wrath.

  3. I like the distinction. You have a wise leader.
