Saturday, February 5, 2011

Some parents....

I went to my first ever BYU basketball game today (yes, I know I did not go to the SDSU game, nor can I tell you any of the players' names- except now, I know Jimmer, Emery, and Davies...right?)

But some people are not like that. Some people would literally give their life for BYU sports. Or maybe just their child's hearing.

Yes, I'm a bit of a creeper taking pictures of other people's kids. Poor little guy. It was the cutest thing ever though. :) We won. It was a pretty dirty game, especially at the end, but we slammed up UNLV hardcore. GO COUGS!

And yes, I think BYU's cool and all, but I can almost guarantee you that will never be my child. Deprived, I know. Especially in the middle of nap time. Some parents can do it....I'm not willing to make the sacrifice. I apologize to my future children in advance for being such a boring mom. They'll get over it.


  1. Ummm... I have in mind a picture I have seen of a certain mom with a snuggly strapped on the front cradling a 6 DAY old while watching the fireworks and Beach Boys concert in... ah, yes... the COUGAR STADIUM. I am blaming it on hormones and youth. Where was my brain? ...but you do really like music!...

  2. Beach Boys is completely different than sporting events. And to this day, I'm pretty sure that is the only concert I've ever been to.

  3. Just shows the differences between people at each end of the spectrum. Are they really compromising his hearing though? He is the only kid in the 22k+ arena with headphones on (there are always a lot of babies and toddlers at the games). Last time I checked, that is the purpose of hearing protection. Your hearing was probably damaged more than his.
