Sunday, January 30, 2011


The picture really has nothing to do with the post, but I really love that girl. She may be pink and spoiled and ditzy and quite the stinker, but she loves to sing and dance and give loves (when she's not pouting), and plus, she really is cute... :)

Alrighty. Confession time. My name is Karli, and I'm a pen addict. I love pens. Fancy pens. I love how I can change my handwriting depending on the design. Some pens are good for making an assignment look typed when it's really not. Some pens are good for long, elegant, Thomas Jefferson style cursive. Some pens make even the worst handwriting look like calligraphy. Some are good for taking neat notes. Some are good for journaling. Some are good for writing letters. Some are good for drawing. Some are good for doodling. Some are good for addressing envelopes.

Yeah. I have a problem.

You see, this week I made a trip to the bookstore. I needed a hat for work, a new journal (on to number 6!), and only 2 new pens (because my good ones ran out of ink).

I got the hat. Forgot about the journal. Got distracted in the art supply section. And completely lost it with the pens. I ended up leaving the bookstore with a hat, a new paint-proof sketch book, conte (an art media similar to charcoal), and these...

Beautiful, aren't they?
Ok, so I didn't buy all of those, but I did buy most of them. All the pretty colors. The smooth gel, .05 precision. I couldn't resist. And those things are not cheap, lemme tell ya... Naturally, I ended up spending way too much money at the Bookstore. And I had to go back the next day and get a journal too. Hopefully, these will last me awhile. I hate spending money. But I can't really regret it when it was spent on such good stuff. Luckily, I rarely splurge like that. Here's to not buying anything "unnecessary" in the next long while.

On a side note, speaking of necessary splurging, this was me and the guys a few nights ago.

Ryan, Matt, me, Eric, and Mitch
You see, Ryan there was stressing because his mission call was officially at home (in Logandale, Nevada), and he was having trouble finding a ride, and he was completely sidetracked in all his classes, and just hadn't had a very good week. So I suggested what always works. A carton of ice cream. He was a bit reluctant, but finally gave in. 10 minutes before the Creamery closed, we rushed to the back freezer to peruse the sweet, creamy goodness. And then we sat in the basement and ate it. Ryan felt a lot better, found a ride, and has been called to serve in the Richmond, Virginia, Spanish-speaking mission starting April 27th. Woo-hoo! Oh, ice cream, how I love thee.


  1. from one fellow pen addict to another--pens are never a splurge. how else can we write? hmmm? answer that one.

  2. And here I thought just grabbing any old ball point was sufficient... shows what I know! Athough, I do admit to enjoying the feel of a good pen, I just don't seek them out. Ice-cream, on the other hand, ahhhhhhh :) And the stinker... coulda been you (without the pink and ditzy)!
