Sunday, August 26, 2012

Go cougars....or something....I guess

This is one of those years where I'm just not excited for school to start tomorrow. The past few years, I've been ready and anxious and even a bit impatient with the start of a new semester looming, but this year is not one of those years. I suppose the novelty of BYU and college life in general has worn off a bit, and I'm just wishing I was at the next part of my life already. 2 years and 4 more months to go.......*sigh*

Plus, I'm already a bit stressed about it because my scholarship has not been applied to my account yet because I didn't add my last class because I was waiting to hear back from a professor so they charged me the full amount and I've only paid the part not covered by the scholarship and now they put a hold on my account because the full amount has not been paid preventing me from adding my last class which I need for the scholarship to apply. Follow any of that? Essentially, BYU is sometimes dumb. And super frustrating to deal with. So tomorrow I have to call or go talk to some people who think they know some things so that the hold can be removed long enough for me to add the class and apply the scholarship. Poop.

Oh, and I got "promoted" in my church calling today. Mixed feelings on this one. More details to come next week, but suffice it to say, I have a little over 2 weeks to pull off some big stuff, and I have to have everything organized for it by this Saturday. Double poop.

On a happier note, I am no longer the only BYU student with no family whatsoever of any kind in Utah. My aunt and uncle and six cousins are all moved in just a couple miles away, so I got to go have Sunday dinner with them. :) Big families are the best, and I'm so excited to have them so close. It's definitely going to make the semester easier.

Hopefully my classes and teachers are all good. We'll see I suppose.

Cougar-schmougar. Woot.

P.S. Don't you just love when you get out of the shower, and there are 2 guys sitting on your couches? Awesome. And then one tries to force you to come out to ward prayer and you tell him no because you don't feel well and he asks, "Headache?" and  you say, "Kinda. Yeah," and he says, "Oh....say no more...I have 6 sisters," and walks out. Ha. Guys are hilarious. They keep me amused if nothing else. ;)

1 comment:

  1. AH, Karli! You can do it! I hope the semester turns out well! Just think of how close you are to Tucker! That should make everything better!
