Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Heaven-Sent Soul Cleanser

I've got about a trillion things to blog about, and of course, I just haven't done it yet.

But since it's late, I'll just leave you with this.

THIS, my friends, was heaven-sent tonight. 

And THIS is why I will never permanently live anywhere except good ol' Mesa. 

I was in rocking the babes to sleep when my parents got home from a walk. My mom walked in announcing the walk got "rained out." And that's when I pulled off my new boots (to be shown off in a future post) and went straight outside.

I squelched through the wet grass, sat on that squeaky swing, and pumped back and forth until my stringy, wet hair plastered my neck, shoulders, and back. There wasn't a dry spot on me, and I just kept swinging higher and higher, not even letting myself think, just taking in the moment and feeling every raindrop. Once my shirt was soaked, I even pulled that off and kept swinging in my jeans and tank-top (if it was 3 AM, I might have stripped. Sue me.)

I am a firm believer that if everyone would just drop what they're doing when it starts to rain and head outside to FEEL raindrops pelt their skin and just STOP THINKING about everything, the world would be infinitely better.

According to the weather forecast, you should have ample opportunity to try it in the next couple days, assuming the forecast is right, of course. I dare you. Get soaking wet playing in the rain. It's good for your soul.

It's one of those things my Best friend and I would do every chance we  got. 9 months left today...well, yesterday since now it's 12:02.

1 comment:

  1. getting soaking wet and not freezing is only possible in Arizona haha :) well and maybe a few other places... but I grew up in Washington, and the water is freezing cold there! It takes a while to warm up after that, but AZ rain is warm and actually feels good!
