Saturday, August 11, 2012

Random Thankful Post

It's been a really great few days so I figured I better share some of it.

I'm thankful for little siblings. I got home Wednesday night a bit before 7 after a wonderfully uneventful, long drive from Provo. Troy and Tressie were hyper all night long, and they really haven't stopped since. I guess I can't complain, though, since they just want to jump on me and kiss me all day long. :) The 3 older boys are fun to be with, and we haven't yet had any broken bones, torn ligaments, or dislocated knees from wrestling. So that must be a good thing, right?

I'm thankful for old friends. Thursday night, one of my best friends and I visited one of the parks we frequented in high school and just sat and talked like old times. We haven't seen each other in almost two years, and I know we both needed that. It was just refreshing. I know I say it a lot, but I seriously have the best friends in the whole world.

I'm thankful for talented friends. Friday night, a family friend who works as an accompanist had her 40th birthday party in MCC's choir room and invited anyone she's ever accompanied to come sing. It was a BLAST. I sang, even though I couldn't make it until the last hour, and I still got to hear some AWESOME voices, HILARIOUS songs, and brilliant piano-playing. Plus, I got to reconnect with some old friends. I hope I get to hang out with these people and work with them for the rest of my life.

I'm thankful for music and the opportunities it brings me. Cliche, right? But for real. I spent 3 hours rehearsing in north Scottsdale last night, and 8+ hours recording there today. A couple weeks ago, Rob Gardner contacted me and asked me to sing first soprano in his choir for the London Symphony recording of "Joseph Smith the Prophet." I know a lot of people in the choir, but I've never actually met Rob myself. Well, my brother and I got to sing in the choir this weekend, and it was amazing. What an incredible opportunity! The Spirit of the music and the text of these pieces is inspiring and exhilarating. I can't wait until all the mixing is done and there's actually a finished product. I'll make sure say something on here when I get word. And if you think you're already familiar with this musical, he changed some parts. And, I mean, it's the LONDON SYMPHONY for crying out loud. Just make sure you at least listen to it when it's available. One of the songs became very personal to me several months ago, and it was surreal getting to actually be in the recording of it. I will forever remember this opportunity.

If you live in AZ and tried to get a hold of me this weekend, I apologize. It's been crazy. But I'm pretty much free now. :)

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