Friday, September 28, 2012


So, if you know me, you know I don't really get into TV shows, at least prolonged series. I love a good documentary on NOVA, National Geographic, or Discovery. TLC's What Not To Wear, A Baby Story, and Say Yes to the Dress are all awesome, but I only watch them occasionally. I've seen episodes of House, Psych, Dr. Who, The Office, Bones, Everybody Loves Raymond, etc. but nothing grasps my attention enough to make me really anxious to keep watching to see what happens in the next episode, until this past year, that is.

1. I discovered BBC Masterpiece's Sherlock. It's incredible. LOVE the actors. LOVE the modern adaptation. LOVE that it's British. All of it. It's great. And I am so SO excited for season 3, which apparently doesn't premiere until next fall. Boo.

2. This year, I also fully admit to having jumped on the Downton Abbey bandwagon. Once again, BBC is great. The casting with this series is phenomenal. I relate so easily to each of the characters. They are so flawed and so real and so intriguing. Maggie Smith is incredible. And the story line is fantastic. The first season starts the day after the Titanic sinks, and the second season ends with the New Year of 1920, so it covers basically one of my favorite time periods, including WWI. It follows the members of a British aristocratic family and their servants as they are coming to terms with the societal changes brought about by the war. I maybe have already seen the first episode of Season 3, which doesn't premiere in the US until January.

3. But my biggest obsession over the past year has been Once Upon A Time. I. Am. Hooked. I saw the previews last fall and have watched it since the pilot episode. The first season was 22 episodes long, so it lasted quite awhile, and I've rewatched it in its entirety on Netflix twice since then. The best part of this show has got to be the plot line. Every fairy tale you can think of, all intertwined in these complex story lines, twisted in such clever, unexpected ways. The Evil Queen and Rumplestiltskin are such delicious villains with SUCH complicated back-stories. Snow White is totally different from the Disney version, and Ginnifer Goodwin is now one of my very favorite people. Red Riding-hood is one of the coolest characters ever. Jiminy Cricket...I could just go on and on about all of them. But I won't. I just figured I'd do you a favor and let you know you have until Sunday night at 8 to get caught up and watch Season 1 before Season 2 premiers on ABC. I'm way more excited than I let on. As in, I'm-gonna-be-Evil-Queen-Regina-for-Halloween-and-I'm-already-making-my-costume type of excited. I maybe stay up late at night thinking of ideas for it. That's all. :)

Crazy fan right here. No shame.

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1 comment:

  1. We love love downton Abbey. Heather and Aaron love BBC Sherlock Holmes
