Sunday, November 18, 2012

Called to Serve

Don't worry. This isn't what you think. ;) Although that missionary has been out 18 months today, and I'm kinda freaking out and getting really excited. That's all. :)

Nope. This is about my little brother. 
And when I say "little," I mean my 6'6" younger brother. 

The one who I smothered with a blanket and then sat on his face when we were babies.The one who I forced into playing Barbies and house with me. The one who I tackled and made cry. The one who I spent a lot of my teenage years ignoring or fighting with.....yeah. I'm a mean sister. He's the only one of my brothers that I've actually gotten into a real, mad punching fight with.

And then we grew up.

I moved to college. He finished high school. He all of a sudden became really cool, and I realized how amazing he really is.

Layton is.....I don't even know what to say.....charming? mature? goofy? strong? He is so....solid. Solid in his beliefs. Solid in his relationships. Solid in his personality. He's a gentleman (I'm probably less polite than he is). He is a talented musician, and a soft-spoken, patient teacher. He is Tressie's Prince Charming, and an incredible example to Jace, Luke, and Troy. I'm so excited for them to experience the importance of serving a mission through their big brother. And I'm excited for those weekly emails, too. I'm excited for the lessons he'll learn and for the blessings he'll receive for sacrificing 2 years of his life to serve the Lord.

Chile Rancagua Mission
reports March 13th.

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