Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Life Goes On

Now, I'm not one to often wax political. Sure, I have my opinions on different issues, but I find it extremely difficult to side with one candidate in particular. We took a test once in AP Government to see which party we tend to side with, -120 being Democrat and 120 being Republican. I scored a 4. Straight down the middle, baby. So this election was all about figuring out which issues are most important to me and what does the President actually have the power to change. For me, it all came down to money. If you want to spend money, you need to tell me exactly how you're going to spend it and how it's going to help the American people without drowning our nation in even more debt. This time, I decided to go with Romney. Not because I think Obama is a bad man, but because I felt like Romney had some good ideas, and I was willing to see where those ideas took the nation.

My feelings about the outcome of the election are summed up in the title of this post. I admit, I was shocked to see everybody's over-the-top reactions to the reelection, from both parties. Some were absolutely hilarious, and some were downright ridiculous and rude.

Some of my favorites included:

"People didn't realize that re-electing Obama for 2012 was really electing Jesus for 2016." ~TA

"This country won't fail because Obama is the president. This country will fail because people are too prideful and thus divided when we need to back him up. I don't agree with many of his political views and I too wish Romney would have won but of course Obama will fail if he doesn't have the support of his own country." ~ TA  love this thought.

"Hey, Republican friends. Tough luck. Sorry about that. If you're looking for somewhere with a low tax burden, minimal government regulation, school prayer, and traditional marriage, may I suggest Pakistan? Islamabad is supposed to be nice this time of year." ~ CC ok. this is hilarious. 

"I'm Canadian." ~ TL

"So proud to have been able to help re-elect President Obama! FOUR MORE YEARS! Also excited to see Republicans threaten to move to Canada so they can truly enjoy socialized medicine." ~ RC
Glad someone finally pointed this out to everybody who was saying they were moving to Canada to get away from the new socialist America. Do your homework, people.

And this was my obligatory facebook post:

"Guess what, guys. You're not going to die. The world will not end. And the sun will still come up. This is what democracy and America is about. Obama's just a man. And Romney is also just a man. It's only four years. The President is not all-powerful. He can't do anything all by himself that will affect your life dramatically without a lot of other people supporting the same decision. The founders of this nation set up the government this way for a reason. We are so blessed to live in a nation where we can vote for our leaders. Now, if you're a praying person, continue to pray for the man that is our President, that he will have the strength and the clarity of mind to lead this great nation."

Some people have taken issue with my comment that Obama is not all-powerful and can't affect much change all by himself. I think the key words there are "without a lot of other people supporting the same decision." I think the fact of the matter is that this election is more of a reflection on the attitude of the American people rather than Obama or Romney. People want what Obama has to offer, especially when it's "free" money.

But I think we all need to remember that IT WILL BE OK. We can still choose what values are important to us individually. We can still choose to live our lives with happiness and love and hard work. We can still teach our children what we believe and the values that this great nation stands for. There will always be those who take the easy way out and who feel more and more entitled to things whether it's money, birth control, or citizenship (and maybe I have different opinions on all of these). But regardless of what happens, we can deal with it and do our own part to raise our families and serve our fellow man.

I believe that this is a great and a blessed nation, and I believe that it will remain that way as long as there are people here who remember who is really in charge and do their best to follow Him, regardless of their political affiliation, race, or religion. I have been to other parts of the world (not as many as I'd like), and while I often fantasize about moving over seas, there are always things I miss about home, and as soon as I step off that plane onto American soil, 
I am always so happy to be back. 
I'm proud to be an American. 
One nation, under God.

God bless America.

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