Thursday, January 3, 2013

2012... Out of the Doldrums

Well, after my unintentional blogging fast through finals and the holidays, I am officially back. I even had all these posts thought up for December, but got too lazy to edit photos or put thoughts into words. No more, I tell you!

Another year behind me. Honestly, I'm thankful. 2012 wasn't bad - it was just.....struggly in a variety of ways. Didn't have much of a social life. Grades weren't great. Classes were hard. I faced lots of personal faults and issues that I'd been ignoring for most of my life. But, I also did some amazing things that I didn't see coming. Shall we look back real quick?

January - The year started out a bit rough. I was all ready with goals and a plan of attack, and when things didn't really turn out the way I wanted, I wasn't ready to deal with it. I felt like Provo had become more of a prison and that I was damned to remain a poor college student for all of eternity going nowhere in life.

February - this attitude continued, and I had a bit of a melt-down. I was a mess. Luckily, my aunt, uncle, and cousins happened to be driving down to Arizona from Washington and picked me up in Provo and took me home for the weekend. It could not have come at a better time. And while I was there, I cut my bangs for the first time since I was 13. Adventurous, I know. ;)

March - By this time, I was on the up-swing out of depression (with the help of friends, family, the Priesthood, and more gourmet chocolate than a person should be allowed to eat). A little chat with the dean of admissions for the school of music, and I suddenly had a direction to my life, not necessarily the one I had planned, but a direction none-the-less. But once the direction was there, I suddenly felt a little intimidated by all the decisions down my path.

April - Spring time just makes everything better, especially because it includes General Conference. Chelsea and I stayed with Maddy at her grandparents' house up in Farmington so that we could attend a morning session in Salt Lake. It was a special conference for me because I spent the semester reading President Monson's biography, To the Rescue, and it quickly became one of my favorite books. The tough semester came to an end. I auditioned to be a Disney Princess on a whim and didn't make the final cut because I was in the middle of a college degree program already. Fun experience though! And with that, I was off to the Motherland. What a dream!

May - Despite it being Great Britain's coldest, wettest May in 60+ years, touring the English countryside and over into Wales was an experience of a lifetime. I met incredible people (Sam King, Sara, the Evans family, and who could ever forget our hilarious, loyal, kind-hearted, Welshman coach ninja Craig?). I attended Evensong in Westminster Abbey. I helped build a human Stonehenge (that all the Asian tourists documented as part of their English travels). I sang in St. Paul's Cathedral and Gloucester Cathedral and lots of other cathedrals and churches. I went to Platform 9 3/4. I read Jane Eyre in Charlotte Bronte's own handwriting and tried to follow the doodles Leonardo DaVinci scribbled down as his mind sped on centuries ahead of his time. I stayed in the home of Peter and Wendy (one of my favorite old couples on the planet), and strolled through Hyde Park one afternoon. I rode the tube under London without getting lost and impressed a family in Gloucester with my Australian accent skills. Ha :) It was a grand adventure and just what I needed to refresh my soul and provide added perspective. On return to Provo, I celebrated my Best friend being gone for a whole year by throwing a party with some fun girls and then proceeded to find interesting ways to entertain myself while living alone.

June - My days were filled with work and voice lessons. I went on a mini roadtrip down to St.George for a weekend and had an awesome time with some wonderful girls relaxing by the pool and shopping. Back in Provo, I read, rewatched the first season of Once Upon A Time, and slept a lot. Maddy finally came back from Mesa and saved me from driving myself crazy, and the girls treated me to Carrabba's for a birthday dinner to celebrate me being alive for 20 whole years! :)

July - I was fully immersed in the music program having tested out of the first semester for theory, dictation, and sight-singing  and into the second-semester curriculum. I switched voice teachers because of scheduling conflicts from Darrell Babidge (one of the most supportive, personally-invested people I have ever met. So blessed to have worked with him for two years) to Arden Hopkin. The switch has been rough mentally, but it's also stretched me a lot in ways I needed to grow. Markie had been dying to go to Lagoon, so Maddy, Markie, Shybree, and I planned a day and went for it. I learned that I definitely have a stomach for rollercoasters. :)

August - By this time, after not getting a break from school for much too long, I was so beyond ready to go home. Also, I quit my job after working in the offices of the BYU Culinary Support Center for two years. Although I'm getting desperate for an income, I really don't regret that decision at all. At home, I had my first opportunity to reconnect with an old friend after serving his mission, and I also got to be a first soprano in Spire Chorus for the recording of Rob Gardner's new album We Must SingThe break was much too short, and I started the new fall semester feeling a bit lackluster about it all. Also, I was called as the new stake music specialist and asked to put together the music for the next conference in 2 weeks.

September - I fell into the dull routine of life. I posted about my slightly obsessive fascination with handwriting. I did a birthday post for the sister I never thought I'd get. My aunt and uncle who had just moved to Utah had a change of plans and moved down to Mesa, leaving me to fend for myself. ;)

October - As my body started remembering its past years as a competitive gymnast, I reflected on the things those years taught me. School quickly became overwhelming with late-night opera rehearsals and performances thrown into the mix taking up so much of my time. I also got asked really last minute to pull together 2 choir numbers for a "special" stake conference. And then, with the big missionary age-change announcement, everything stressful seemed to be hitting me at once. The missionary thing didn't affect me for too long though, because although I would love to serve a mission, as soon as I started going down that road, Heavenly Father let me know He has other plans. Oh, and let's not forget that amazing, home-made Queen Regina Halloween costume!

November - I got to meet Elder Perry at the "special" stake conference, and thanks to lots of answered prayers and miracles, the music was great. Elections rolled around, and I voted for the first time. Woot! My "little" brother received his mission call to serve in the Chile Rancagua mission and leaves in 2 1/2 months. My family came to visit, and a week later, I got a brief break in Mesa for Thanksgiving. School was just stressful as heck by this point.

December - Remember how I stopped blogging? Well, I had juries. I felt well-prepared but didn't sing as well as I'd hoped. Something just felt a bit off, and I couldn't get it under control. I wrote a 12 page research paper in less than 24 hours and got 100%. I will hate myself if I ever do that again. I took finals and did...ok. It was an ok semester. My grades were better in some classes than I thought and worse in a couple other classes. Oh well. Every college kid is bound to have at least one semester like that, right? I was just thrilled when it was finally time to drive home. I got home the night of Troy's 6th birthday (one of those posts that is mostly written but never got finished). We've had lots of fun together down here. Lots of family. I got to visit with an old teacher and mentor. Christmas was awesome. I've seen lots of dear friends. I got to spend time with people I love. Dad turned 45. Luke turned 12 and received the Priesthood. Overall, it was a busy, but successful holiday season.

Now, as for 2013? Guys, I am so unbelievably excited. I start freaking out a bit every time I think about everything this year could be, and so far, it's been absolutely awesome. I'm done with feeling stuck and dragging my feet. This is it. It's here.

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