Friday, January 11, 2013

"And my tail's froze. And my nose is froze. And my ears are froze. And my toes are froze."

First week of school - DONE!
In some ways it flew, and in other ways, it felt like a month.
I maybe accidentally forgot to go to two of my classes. 
The first one because I thought it was on a different day 
and the second because I was concentrating so hard on not forgetting about the first one.

But everything is figured out now.
I'm back with my very favorite theory teacher, Dr. Thornock,
(lauded in this post)
I got into the classes I wait-listed, 
and I get to study German music this semester,
which is my voice's very favorite language to sing in.
Plus, I've been cast in the Opera Scenes program to perform as Adele
in a scene from Die Fledermaus next month.
Pretty good, no?


Wanna know how I feel about Provo right about now?

Yup......I think that about sums it up.
This was last night walking home in the pitch dark, blizzardy cold. 
Oh, did I mention it had been a "warm"
(and by warm, I mean in the upper thirties...)
day up until then?
So, yeah, I wasn't really wearing anything waterproof. 
I sent this picture to my mom, and she immediately called me.
"Karli! Oh my heck! Are you ok?"
"Yes, Mom...I'm fine. Just cold and wet."
"Hahahahahaha! That picture is hi-LAR-ious!"

.......Gee. Thanks, Mom.......

Whatever happened to snow days?!
I mean, we finish earlier than all the other universities anyway. 
A couple extra days ain't gonna hurt anyone, 
especially if it means staying home on days like today!

This is what campus looked like at 2 PM this afternoon.

I mean, for heaven's sake! They make us go to school in this!

And, I mean, sure, it's pretty to look at if you're curled up on the couch
in wool socks with a hot drink, a fuzzy blankie, and a book, 
but lemme tell ya - 
It ain't so pretty once you're forced to walk through it!
If you squint really hard, you can almost see the icy sidwalk up the hill.
Oh, and the mountains hiding in the background, too.

Most of the sidewalks look like this...

Lovely, isn't it?
Good thing I was wearing these brand-new, fancy, leather boots.
(Thank  you, Dad, for helping Santa find them for an awesome deal at Last Chance!)
I was especially thankful for them when I stepped into what I thought was just 
more sludgy sidewalk... 
It was really a four-inch deep slushy puddle.

So I'll just be hangin' out up here trying not to turn into a popsicle. 
Temps are back down in the low teens and single digits in the next couple days,
and those are the highs!

And thanks again, Koe, for the awesome Despicable Me hat.
It keeps my noggin from freezing and my ears from getting sore and my teeth from chattering. :)

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  1. WOW!!!!!! I'm.....a little glad that I'm not there to experience that right now...ha. But it looks like fun? Don't freeze to death!

  2. Lol omg your hair!! the winter over there is so crazy!!
