Wednesday, January 30, 2013

An Unexpected (yet extremely welcome) Surprise


I GOT A JOB!!!!!!!

You are looking at the newest official employee of the Music Special Collections 
in the Harold B. Lee Library.

And it's all thanks to my friend, Logan. 
He asked if I'd ever be interested in a job with the Music and Dance Library, and then he got in contact with his old supervisors and recommended they consider me for a position. It just so happened that they were getting ready to post two new job openings, and this morning, I got an email requesting an interview for this afternoon. By the time I walked out at 3:30, I was officially hired, name-tag in hand.

I'll be working in the Special Collections with antique and rare manuscripts of music.
Can I just say I'm a little excited?!
Not only will I get to do something that I'll love, but the pay is WAY better than my last job,
with ample opportunity for raises. 

Hooray for being able to afford food and save for the future and stuff. 

Now I don't feel so bad about spending [way too much money] at Target the other day on apartment decor. I'll show off my redecorating project in another post sometime. ;)

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1 comment:

  1. What a perfect job for you. Seriously. Wow. I'm jealous.

    And I had no idea, until today, that you were a fellow GWTW lover. I knew I loved you.
