Sunday, February 3, 2013

The Final Countdown

Of course, this song went through my head as soon as I thought that. :)

But really, now. H-O-L-Y C-O-W.

628 days down.

100 left.


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ONE HUNDRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Excuse me while I go freak out like a crazy person.
I'm just a teensy bit excited.

100 days 'til I get my Best friend back!!!!

Ready, set, Double-digits!!!

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  1. Lily has a very similar chain hanging from her mirror in her bathroom.

    I saw your mom and Tressie at church yesterday. I'm always surprised at the pink and frilly with that girl--since she's your sister, and all.

  2. Oh my gosh! I am seriously so excited for you!!!!
