Thursday, January 24, 2013

Speaking of balancing..... Anybody have any ice skates?

For my friends and family who are not Facebook friends with a million Provo people and have not seen this already, here's the latest adventure in going to school.

This morning, I woke up to a nice, drizzly rain. It's supposed to clear the inversion out, which is nice for my asthma. However, as soon as it hits the ground, it turns to ice. You can see the bubbles trapped under the sheet of slick glass moving as you glide across it, trying to not fall to your death.

I banded together with a group of strangers who worked together to get up the hill to campus this morning. Most fell three times. I only fell once, but it did draw blood, so it counts.

The best part? BYU, instead of canceling class because of dangerous conditions (8 car wrecks in a one mile stretch...paramedics on campus for people who fell and hit their heads and broke bones...not exaggerating at all), simply sent out an email this morning telling us to "be careful."

Um...thanks, BYU.

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  1. omg. I started to ride my bike to school, slipped and fell off... got a couple bruises... so my husband and i put our bikes away and walked. we both slipped so many times!! it was the scariest thing ever!!! ):

  2. Be careful. At least you'll be able to breathe as you slip, right?
