Friday, January 18, 2013

Balance? ...Really?

Have I actually done it?

Achieved some semblance of balance in my life?

Is this what it feels like?

I was sitting yesterday afternoon, and the thought almost formed in my head - My life is kinda boring...
And then I stopped myself. Boring was not quite the right word.

It's not as if I don't do anything...

Every day, I wake up and go to class, on time even (for the most part...). I write everything in my planner and check things off (I've never been this dedicated to a planner before). I do all my homework, including all the readings that could be so easily ignored or procrastinated. I have time to sit and watch a little TV or read a non-school-related book or pull out my sketch book. I have time to cook a good dinner, which means I'm eating healthier. I have time to do laundry and sit and fold it. My room stays clean. I'm in bed by midnight every night. It's the weirdest thing....

And then it came to me....balance.

My life actually feels balanced. I feel stable. I feel unrushed. I feel in control (well, as much as you can be...). I feel calm. I feel healthy. I feel....balanced.

Funny, the only thing that has really changed is that I moved into the private room of my apartment. Funny how I'm a lot more organized when I have a space that is just my own.  That, and I decided that this semester, I'm living in hermitude and cutting pretty much all social life out. Ok, that sounds crazy when I put it that way. I just don't want any distractions. I'm really dedicating myself to my schoolwork and music this semester. I need this semester to be a strong one. Plus, I've never been one who thrives on social interaction anyway. I love my friends. I love the time I spend with them. But I don't constantly need social stimulation and validation to function. I'm good with a book. :) ...which I guess is a good thing since my roommate just left to Vegas for the 3-day weekend...

Knocking on wood that I can maintain this sense of balance because heaven knows how fleeting it can be.

Now, anyone know of any good ways a poor college student can earn some money?
                                                                                                                                 and if you suggest prostitution, you're the 5th person to do so.

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