Monday, January 17, 2011


2 names that RARELY if ever   apply to me.


Party Animal because I'm usually the one rolling my eyes at all the Freshman antics.

and Cry Baby because those who know me know I don't cry. Because I'm insensitive and cold-hearted and it gives me the most debillitating migraines the next morning....

But the world must be coming to an end or something, because this week, I've been both. Ridiculous, I know.

It all started last Friday when my bishop forced us all to go to the big dance. It was fun, but we were only there for an hour (yes, I went with a big group of guys because I'm bad at making friends, and guys are so much easier to hang out with...). 

Then on Saturday, I was hanging out with more guys when we decided to make cookies, so we did by "borrowing" ingredients from other people and played Super Smash Bros Brawl while we ate the cookie dough. That same night, we also went to Walmart after midnight and played with the Hula-Hoops. Plus, I needed a couple things, so I had an excuse to go.

Sunday was insane. Woke up and ran around like a crazy person getting stuff and making copies before church. We had Elder Sybrowsky of the 70 there and Bishop had asked for A Child's Prayer as our rest hymn. Well, turns out, Bishop Johnson was getting released, and he had specifically requested I lead the music. Basically, I was just up there bawling the whole entire time. Weird. But I guess it was pay back for all the times I made him cry. I had people checking on me all day to make sure I was ok since I was widely known as "his favorite." Whatever. :) That night, a group of us (me and 9 guys) went to the Marriot Center for Elder Christofferson's CES fireside. Very good. And later, I got to meet with our new Bishop Sybrowsky (the Elder's son). He's an incredible man. I already hold the record for most interviews....3 times in the last week, not counting the phone call.... Later that night, I was talking to my friend, the girl the ROTC dude had kissed, and found out that things were not going well with that. Basically, some phone calls had to be made to people who could handle the situation better, and hopefully neither of us will hear from him again.

Next couple days, I spent way too much time staying up late talking in the lobby. I cried again somewhere in there...I forget why. Maybe a song or something. Wednesday was ridiculous. It got time to kick the boys out (midnight) but they were hungry, so we went to IHop. At midnight. And it was delicious. And just for kicks, we made another Walmart run after that. Crazy college kids.

Thursday night we jammed on the piano downstairs til we got kicked off, and I had another talk with the Bishop for Ecclesiastical Endorsement stuff.

Friday night was epic. I came home from a voice lesson only to walk in on a game of Killer Bunnies (a really random card game). I joined. And then we all walked down to the Cannon Center cuz we were too lazy to make dinner and acted like we were back in 4th grade. And then we were in the mood for a movie, so we set up 4 couches (movie theatre style) and a mattress in the boys dorm, hooked up a projector, threw popcorn EVERYWHERE, and watched Inception (great movie, but WAY overrated). But wait! There's more! We (me and a girl) walked back to our dorm to hear our friend's date story, ended up watching a chick flick, and pulled 4 mattresses into the hallway for a sleepover. Yeah, I'm even scaring myself...

Saturday consisted of yet another Walmart run (for actual groceries this time) and driving around for no reason in particular. Also there was a "Stoplight Dance" (wear red = taken, yellow = it's complicated, green = single), and I wore white. It was SO much fun though. And my friend, Stewart, is a freakin good dancer. I actually waltzed and swing danced legitly, which also rarely happens. And then 9 of us squeezed into a 5 person car and took a scenic drive. Yeah, I'm crazy. And I cried again, being a typical teenage girl. Something I really try not to let myself succumb to.

Today was fantastic. I cried in the middle of sacrament meeting again when a girl played a special musical number on the piano. and I had another interview with Bishop for choir stuff, and I love him more and more. He's really an incredible man. and then at midnight, since it was Monday then, we went and collected hundreds of Krispy Kreme's reject doughnuts. And then gave some to some nice girls in the parking lot. And then I got to "chaperone" while 2 friends went on a midnight stroll. and I serenaded them with Latin sacred songs, an Italian patriotic song, and an Italian song where the girl singing is trying to seduce her ex-lover. Appropriate, no? :) 

And now it's 4 AM, and I'm going to bed. Crossing my fingers this week will be back to normal. Less partying, and preferably no crying. Geez, Louise. 


  1. What have you done with Karli???

  2. Ha :) this post is great :) Glad I could be a part of it.

  3. This post made me feel very tired and very happy for you.

  4. I love this post...I feel kind of jealous though, I want you to sing to me sometime.
