Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Productivity, Thanks to Mr. Disney

A follow-up post of sorts, just to prove how far I've come from last week's insanity.

Yesterday was a holiday. And I decided to be productive. Not the "I'm gonna maybe think about sorting my laundry and I'm out'a milk" kind of productive. No. I decided to DO.

I woke up, pulled on one of my last clean T-shirts and a pair of jeans from the floor, and sorted the rest of my laundry. 4 piles. 4 loads. But with my stuffing skills, I managed to squeeze it down to 3. I stuck the whites in, grabbed my wallet, and headed to the Creamery. I bought the stuff I needed (milk, juice, eggs, etc.), but then the thought hit me that oh yes, we have cleaning checks on Friday. And ya know, old dry Clorox wipes only work so well for so long, so I decided to splurge and buy REAL cleaning supplies. Plus, I also had a lot of money on my card that had to get spent.........
I heroically conquered the hike back to my dorm while hefting 40 lbs of loot per arm, put away all the groceries, and made myself an actual lunch. I felt so studious reading my homework while I sat in peace, eating my delicious oven-baked French-bread veggie pizza and gulping a heavenly glass of ice-cold milk.
I transferred the loads of laundry and decided to take a break by painting my nails neon green. And then I sat and read for fun for a bit.
And then I scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed. Kitchen, bathroom, walls, ceilings, cup-boards, back-splashes, everything. And it smelled amazing! And I felt so cool!
As I finished in the kitchen, I decided to make my mouth-watering citrus-glazed salmon for dinner. So I did. And it really was mouth-watering. And then I ate a lot of Oreos with peanut butter and milk, just because I could. For FHE, we played Swedish Twister, Jenga, and baked a cake. Afterwards, I did not stay and talk in the lobby for hours, I went back downstairs to do some more reading and fold laundry. As I sat and waited for my last load of laundry, a friend came down, and we had a good talk. Then I got my laundry, folded it, wrote in my journal, and went to bed not too long after midnight. ACCOMPLISHMENT!

*disclaimer: I was NOT productive yesterday until I woke up at 12, having slept straight through work.........oops...........

Today was pretty productive as well. Worked, went to choir, did BoM homework, and had time to change my blog set-up. I was so sick of trying to edit pictures using parts of Paint, Power-Point, AND the default editor, so I even downloaded a new one, and I love it. :)

And I couldn't have done any of it (well, ok, maybe I could've but it wouldn't have been nearly as enjoyable) without the support and inspiration from the wonderful world of Disney. All of this happened over the past 2 days while listening through the 201 songs that come up when you type "disney" into Grooveshark. And most of them are actually the old, classic Disney songs! Maybe I'm just a teensy bit bitter my mom got to spend today at the Happiest Place on Earth (except for the temple...). Yeah, maybe just a teensy bit bitter.

I'm going to remember this post as I drown tomorrow, remember all the many things I've done. Because tomorrow, my friends, will be my first 12 hour day. Work at 9. Lunch break at 12. And classes from 1 til 9 PM!!!! I'M GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (...and NOT because it's so fluffy). Props to you if you get that. :)


  1. Yes, Agnes, I get it.
    Love the new header and layout.
    You can make it through the day, I know it!

  2. Only a little bitter? Nice job on the productivity, and I love all the pictures up top:) Your day WILL be long, but do-able. Don't let it beat you before you have tried it. Love you... and we just may have gotten you a prize:)
